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Saved pdf file as .afphoto file from a previous beta  This file is

Then opened the .afphoto file in new beta and i noticed 3 things:

1) High CPU usage just to use scroll bar to move around the image.  when I move around the file to look at different parts of it, it is taking up nearly all of CPU and it takes a while to load

2) when the image first loads, it is zoomed out.  And lots of characters appear missing.  I have to zoom in to see characters that should be showing.

3) when I try to export the file to pdf, characters are missing in the exported file.

--> when I exported the pdf file when i first edited the afphoto file (before closing/restarting), the export was perfect.


i5-8265u, 20 GB ram, 1TB SSD drive Intel UHD graphics + 2GB Nvidia MX230

i do remember in the previous beta that opening an old afphoto file that was similar (imported pdf) also was slow.   But it is fast when I import the same original pdf file "fresh" and then manipulate it from there.



Hopefully I can reproduce this in a less sensitive document, and then I could give all the files to you and/or create a video.

I just tried to import a fresh pdf page (same file), and everything imported ok and all characters loaded or fonts were substituted correctly.   But close/reopen the afphoto file, and then that is when the slowdown happens / exporting errors occur.






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