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I use spread master pages heavily for my photo book. I have there picture frames and text frames using custom defined text styles. Also, I apply a master pages containing just numbers in the footer, to other master pages, that I apply to the book spreads. 
When working on actual content pages quite often I apply different master pages to change the layout OR apply the master page to just one page (half of the spread), *replacing* the previous master page.

I noticed several issues, that are bugs to me:

1. content pages did not react to changes in formatting within text fields (text style, adjustment, margins within text frame, etc.)

  1. Having changed the master page I expected all the content pages depending on it to update. Did not work. Text fields, text styles in them were not updated. 
  2. Dragging the master page AND choosing a new master page from the page context menu to REPLACE the master

2. edit content page detached from the master page

  1. I noticed a vertical shift of objects and their frames, by - more or less half em, as if page being edited had slid off the master lying below (if I may try to describe it like that)

3. "Ghost object frames" visible on the content page in the spread, after applying a spread master page to the OTHER page on the spread.

  1. This though is already addressed in a different thread, where I just confirmed having observed the behaviour.






I have occasionally had ghost and other artifact issues when changing Master pages. I have been able to resolve these by clearing the master page and reapplying it.

7 hours ago, Catshill said:

I have occasionally had ghost and other artifact issues when changing Master pages. I have been able to resolve these by clearing the master page and reapplying it.

Thanks Catshill. It is nice you found a workaround. But would you agree, that this is exactly that - a workaround around a thing that should not be?
Frankly, as these ghosts were not critical I would not even report them, but as I noticed also other anomalies in area of master pages, I reported all of them altogether. If anyone analyses incident density per module this might be a signal of some quality problem in the master module, and - hopefully - a trigger for some more checks and improvements. 

Publisher is such a nice tool, it would be perfect if it does not expose these flaws :).

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