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Posted (edited)

Hi everyone.

I just want to point out some serious stability issues with Affinity Publisher 1.8.3 on Windows.

I'm aware that Publisher is still in its infancy, it's a young app. I'm totally content with Affinity Publisher features for what I need on a daily basis. All new features are welcome and appreciated however.

But there is one major problem, Publisher is unstable. This week I worked on 12 page folded flyer, I imported some 200 small and large images. I needed to update some of them in Photo and Designer, and update them using the Resource Manager in Publisher. At first Publisher crashed on me while updating the images in the Resource Manager, one by one. Then later it crashed every time I tried to even open the Resource Manager. I just couldn't work. For this project I had to update the images manually, selecting them on page, and replacing them, not going into the Resource Manager at all.

A week before, I needed to import some 47 PDF/X-4 files into a Publisher document. It crashed on each one. It was impossible to do. I had to convert all the files to TIFFs, and then it worked. It would be a much easier workflow to import the PDFs directly.

I wish to stress, that I'm very happy with the Affinity apps. The software is intuitive, professional, easy to use and already quite powerful.

But I need to stress out, that stability is a major issue for production work. It's just impossible to get the job done, if it crashes repeatedly. I would like to reach out to the developers here. You really need to work on stability. It's a must in a production workflow! A major must!

Nonetheless. I would like to thank you all for your work already. These are great apps, and I'm a happy convert from the Adobe suite.

Edited by Aardo
Removed an invalid link
Posted (edited)


I had a similar issue yesterday. I had 2 circles selected, I clicked Designer's button and Publisher crashed.

Well, childhood issues, not worried at all, but i understand your problem. A lot more work to do...

Edited by Jose Alvarez
spelling errors

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