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I realize it's user error and I'm only following tutorials the best I can. This is the tutorial I followed: https://youtu.be/coJ0jypAE2k

I copied & pasted my selection then selected the original background layer and added an elliptical depth of field blur. As you can see, there's a nasty halo around the dog and I really don't know how to fix it. Any help would be greatly appreciated. 🙏


IMG_8334 Sky-Husky_2.jpg


Hi @im140.6, after you have made your selection and placed your dog on a new layer, go back to the background layer and using something like the inpainting tool, remove the dog. Now apply the blur to the background. The halo is a result of the blur using pixels from the dog and spilling into the background. Lovely dog by the way 😀




Hey @Murfee!! Thank you SOOOO much!! I used the Inpainting brush, just like you said, and it worked perfect! I wouldn't say the selection is perfect but, for my use, it'll work.  You wouldn't happen to know of another good selection tutorial, would you?  Thanks again!

The Husky is Sky. We met her at a dog park last year. She has her own IG @skyhusky13 🙂

IMG_8334 Sky-Husky_3.jpg

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