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Dear Affinity-Team,

I don't can understand why file change the look after export.

Can you pleaseĀ help me?
I have seen the change after the update to 1.8
Find the files below...

I hope you have a solution for me.

Affinity Designer File

Logo.jpgoriginal look

Logo_n.jpgafter export

Thank you for the help.

  • Staff

Hi P.D.

Thanks for attaching the files. The reason for the difference on export is that PDF doesn't support curves with pressures, so to get the results to look the same we have to expand the stroke so it is a closed, filled curve.

Unfortunately this was going wrong in some cases where there is a very steep increase of pressure in a short amount of time and giving you the results shown. The good news is that we have fixed this in 1.8.3 due out soon and your file exports correctly.

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