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Affinity Designer crashes when saving


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Hi there,

I'm having trouble with Affinity Designer on iPad Pro 12.9 inch (2018 model).

The app crashes repeatedly when I save or exit a document (which would save automatically) whereupon all my changes are lost.
Also, it crashes sometimes seemingly at random.

I need to re-use the same graphic over and over because I might want to adjust that graphic later on. That's why I'm using symbols, since apparently that's how Affinity Designer approaches this kind of task (?)

After researching online I understand that a known bug is related to the use of symbols.
But though I know that, I do not know what to do about it since I do want to continue using symbols.

My software version is up-to-date.
Please find crash reports and videos here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/wme7jp7m0vcmxgq/AAD6ueEQXxlf1WCFpYrrS0VTa?dl=0

Any ideas?

Many thanks and stay save,


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4 hours ago, fruid said:

The app crashes repeatedly when I save or exit a document (which would save automatically) whereupon all my changes are lost.

Hi Fred, crashes are a pain to be sure. Do you save your work outside of affinity sandbox. i.e use the Document menu Save a Copy, navigate to folder on iPad or cloud, name and save the file. Then use Open from Cloud, navigate to folder on iPad or cloud and open the previously saved file.  You will now find a Save option in Documents menu and your edits will be saved outside of sandbox in an .afdesign file format. If the app crashes at least your file won’t be corrupted.

4 hours ago, fruid said:

After researching online I understand that a known bug is related to the use of symbols.

I think this was only happening when copying from one file to another but may be mistaken.


4 hours ago, fruid said:

Also, it crashes sometimes seemingly at random.

Hopefully mods can help clarify issue but there have been several reports of random crashes with rel 1.8.

M1 IPad Air 10.9/256GB   lpadOS 17.1.1 Apple Pencil (2nd gen).
Affinity Photo 1.10.5 Affinity Design 1.10.5 
Affinity Publisher 2, Affinity Designer 2, Affinity Photo 2 and betas.

Official Online iPad Help documents (multi-lingual) here: https://affinity.https://affinity.help/ 


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Hi fruid,

Sorry the application has been crashing for you - does it happen on a new document with some basic shapes? Or is it just the same document shown in your video? Are you able to save a copy of the document to an iCloud Drive so you can attach it to the forum please?

As DM1 mentioned there is a known crash that occurs when copying and pasting Symbols from one document to another - this is with development to be fixed. 

You mentioned that you need to use the same graphic over and over - depending on the case adding that graphic as an asset may be better for you. Symbols are good in that you can modify a single object, and it will then modify all other instances of that object in that document. However symbols are document specific and not good for multi-document use.

However if you're not going to modify that object and require it in several documents then just placing it as an asset is the safer option. You can then insert it whenever you need and it will be available to all documents.

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Hi Sean, hi DM1,

thanks for getting back.

I don't think I copied the symbols in one document and pasted them in another one. If anything I just duplicated the document I was working on in order to have some sort of backup in case I don't like the changes or the document would get corrupted at some point for some reason.

And AFAIK it only seems to crash with that document and every duplication of it except for the original first version – so that might give you more insights to whether or not just copy-pasting a symbol to another document causes this bug or duplicating a document containing symbols does as well.

I also tried to save the document on the iPad instead of iCloud but at this point I don't even have a chance to save it at all, it always crashes at this point. The other day I opened the document on my Mac using Affinity Designer for Mac, did some changes and saved. Now I tried to put it in the Affinity files folder on my iPad via finder. Unfortunately I can't even open that document on the iPad, it always crashes. 

How do I use assets? Will check on YouTube.

Please find the .afdesign file in the dropbox folder.

Thanks a lot,


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Thanks for the file - It certainly is strange that it saves on the desktop, but on the iPad it crashes. I've reproduced that here and will get it passed on to development. 

Check out the documentation inside the App and have a look at the Assets section - that should give you a good overview on how to use them. :) 

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