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Hi all,

I need to do graphics containg lots of chemical ions, eg. CO3(2-), PO4(3-), but whatever I try it is not possible to subscript/superscript the digits and the ion charges correct. I can subscript the "3" in CO3 and superscript the "2" in "2-" but then the "-" will stay in normal postion, although the panel is showing that it is superscripted. Or the "3"  stays in normal postion, although the panel is showing subscripted. This behavior is font dependent. With some fonts its working, with some not. I can not use the fonts I want or which are working, epesicaly in all other programms its working fine, eg. Indesign is not showing this. And we are talking about standards fonts, not some exotics. So what is going on or what am I doing wrong?


Bildschirmfoto 2020-03-25 um 15.00.18.png


The buttons in the “Typography” section of the Panel let you tell the software to use (or not use) the subscript/superscript versions of some characters in the font itself – if they exist in the font – when you tell the software to use subscript/superscript.
To use subscript/superscript you need to use the option in the “Position and Transform” section, see attached image.

Annotation 2020-03-25 140701.png


You’re welcome.
I came up against the same confusion myself when I started using the Affinity applications until a forum member helped me out.
And now I’ve been able to help someone with the same problem.
Hooray for the forums.


Yes, hooray to the forums and the people willing to help others. I will try to return the favour as soon as I find time to answer some of the questions. Until then I try to convince everbody to use the Affinity apps, guess today I "sold" three copies ;)

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