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exporting a 16 bit 40000x40000 Pixel Photo Image

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I am trying to export a photo with 16 bit and 40000x40000 Pixels for a colleague to edit in Photoshop. Thats my progress so far:
Tiff and hdr can't be opened afterwards,
PSD  of course is not capable of more than 30000 Pixels,
EXR, png and TGA are crashing while exporting. Any Ideas?

Edited by no1dea
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Just out of interest, where do you get a 1.6-gigapixel image from and/or what would you do with it?
I only ask as the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope has a 3.2-gigapixel camera which is the size of a car and cost around US $168,000,000 to build.

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  • Staff

I think unfortunately the best way to do this is slicing. If you could provide a DropBox link to the Affinity project file I can try some things here at my end.


Please tag me using @ in your reply so I can be sure to respond ASAP.

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