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I had some templates that were working fine, but after updating recently the gaussian blur layer is causing the symbol layer its applied to to just disappear 

So i can control whether the below symbol appears simply by toggling the guassian blur layer above on/off



and then toggling the Gaussian Blur layer on causes:



a temporary work-around is to un-sync the symbol, and apply an FX gaussian blur instead of a layer, but things get pretty dicey real quick when you've got dozens and dozens of the symbol with as many unsynced variants 


I'm getting the sense maybe the guassian blur adjustment layer was re-written or something? Its behaving completely differently now wherever it is, and glitches follow. 


Hi junovhs :)

Sorry to see this, are you using Mac or Windows please? 

Can you please open Affinity>Preferences>Performance and provide a screenshot of your settings here?

Many thanks in advance!


My sincerest apologies for the delayed response Spencer and many thanks for your file!

I have determined this issue to be caused by one of your grouped rounded rectangle objects, with the Erase blend mode. As soon as this layer is active/grouped with the Gaussian blur, it causes the rendering issue and the rest of the document disappears.

There is also an issue with the Gaussian blur layer which is nested with the semi-transparent vector layer, as this is also a bug with the software.

I've logged these as bugs with our developers as it's not something I've come across before. If this object isn't required then I recommend removing it, or alternatively you can subtract it from the larger shape, to avoid using the blend mode at all.

I'll send back a 'repaired' version of the file to the email address registered to your forum account - I hope this helps!


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