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The Affinity keyboard-shortcuts are well documented in the help, online, cheat-sheets, and in the Preferences. Kudos for all that work! It is a big help while learning.

I would like an equivalent help section for the mouse interactions, especially with modifiers (Control, Option, Shift, Command). I know there is some info on the cheat-sheets.

First, I would like mouse help to list mouse interactions which might not be obvious. For example, I have been wanting steppers (up/down-arrow buttons) on the Photo Persona sliders, just like the Develop Persona for over a year. Only recently, I discovered the mouse wheel can control of the edit box values, so I don't need the steppers.

Second, in the above cases where the modifiers (Control, Option, Shift, Command) change the effect of the mouse button/wheel.

For example,

Item                            Modifier          Action                  Effect
slider knobs                                         double-click       to restore default
cursor on edit box                               Mouse wheel     to adjust +/-1
cursor on edit box       Option +         Mouse wheel     to adjust +/- 0.1
Layer Icon                    Option+Cmd   click                     Luminosity selection of layer

The reason for compiling these together is that the modifiers are typically bitmaps so not a searchable text term to find when organized other ways.

Thanks for considering

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