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Is This Trick Possible In AD?

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I need the star to remain whole (black) except for around the edges of the circle.


I need to individually be able to color each of the segments of the circle behind the star.

I experimented with adding the black star as a child layer of the circle, but as you can see it segments the star.


I'm stumped...


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Draw the circle, the star and the "bars" that must disappear.
Select the circle and the star, "Divide" and delete the parts outside the circle.
Select the "Bars", "Add".
Select the two parts of the circle, "Add".
Select the whole (without the star), "Substract".


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In addition to the method described above there are probably many other methods you can try which may be better or worse depending on exactly what you want to do with the design and how you want to adjust it in the future.
I’ve attached one example (image and file) which doesn’t need any Geometry functions and, therefore, remains modifiable.
Note the order of the child layers of the circle and the Blend Mode used on the white rectangles.
As an alternative, you could change the colours of the ‘bars’ by adding a Gradient Fill to the circle, instead of using extra shapes, but that might make it harder to modify. It really depends on what you want from the design.
Maybe you will get other suggestions too.

Annotation 2020-03-05 081837.png


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