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I am really finding the Interface very inefficient compared to other software I use daily.. its full of inconsistencies and multiple keystrokes for what is one action in other software.

Some examples

SYMBOLS - a great feature - and I have many in my files - but deleting them is a pain..  one by one select, delete, confirm... repeat repeat repeat  .. why can't i shift select or control select them and bulk delete? .... I can in the layers panel!

ASSETS - same problems as above

RENAMING - why do you sometimes allow renaming an element directly but other times I have to enter a separate dialogue box?

RIGHT BUTTON CONTEXT MENU - never seems to have basic operations Id' expect ,

eg LOCK toggle, HIDE toggle

Right button on the background you get nothing relevant... how about allowing use to change page settings, grid settings, background colours etc,etc,etc

As for your colour schemes with barely any tonal difference between selected and no selected items.. great !







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