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So I have followed several online tutorials but my copy of Affinity does something quite different. Trying to change the background of a picture. There are different methods of selecting the object/person I want to save (cut out). Then I can cut out the background. Then I can copy and paste to a different background in a different tab - it works, but is cumbersome. HOWEVER, if I open the new background into the same tab as the  object/person, then the background fills the person's image (masking over top of the person) and leaving the background transparent. I've tried playing with inverting the image or the mask but that is apparently not the problem. What am I doing wrong? I follow click by click along with tutorials and get different results.

I am also having trouble figuring out layers. I am coming straight from Photoshop CS 1 so I am aware I am behind the times. But there I has simple layers with option to add mask which made sense. Apparently nowadays there are four different types of layers and they can get embedded and float and do all types of weird things. It is unnecessarily complex, but where is the tutorial that explains it?


Welcome to the forums.

As for changing the background of a picture, it might help us if you can show us the result you are getting. A screen grab which also shows the Layers panel is normally a good start if you can’t share the file.

As for the confusion with the layers, there are probably lots of tutorials that each explain one or more parts of the functionality but I don’t think there’s one single tutorial which explains all of the different ways you can use them, clipping, masking, etc. If you have a specific thing that you want to do then we should be able to explain how to do it but I don’t think anyone is going to explain everything as it would take a long time.


I share your frustration especially layers - coming from using mostly PaintShop Pro - I had to start thinking in a different way. What I tended to ignore was just going to the help file and reading through very slowly to get a better understanding of what was going on. Combine this with the Official video tutorials and things may become clearer.

help file layers.JPG

12 hours ago, Brian442 said:

But there I has simple layers with option to add mask which made sense.

You can do that easily in Affinity Photo. See for example the Mask Layers video tutorial, beginning at around 0:45.

Note that the Assistant Manager allows you to control if the mask is added as a child layer to the selected one or above it in the layer stack.

All 3 1.10.8, & all 3 V2.5.7 Mac apps; 2020 iMac 27"; 3.8GHz i7, Radeon Pro 5700, 32GB RAM; macOS 10.15.7
ll 3 V2 apps for iPad; 6th Generation iPad 32 GB; Apple Pencil; iPadOS 15.7

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