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I'm using some lines with dashed lines but unfortunately the moment I export this as SVG and attempt to look at them again at it in the browser, the dashes look very different.


Here's how it looks in Affinity Designer:


and here's how the generated SVG looks like in the browser:


It somehow seems to be attempting to keep the number of dashes fixes, and thus compresses them? Is there a way to avoid this?

I'm attaching both the exported SVG as well as the original Affinity file.


bst-building.svg bst-building.afdesign


I opened your SVG in Inkscape and the dashed line going from the top of the 5-circle is considerably different from the others. Also, the thickness and style of the other lines seems to be quite inconsistent, see attached image.
I then opened your AFDESIGN file and exported it as SVG.
I placed my exported SVG into a Designer document and all looks okay but loading it into Inkscape gave me the same problem.
Exporting as a PNG or PDF looks fine.
This needs more experimentation but I think the Affinity team will need to look into it.

Annotation 2020-02-24 093721.png

  • Staff

Hi devoured_elysium,

On the Export Window after selecting SVG, click on the More button and enable Flatten Transforms and the export SVG then looks fine (or it does for me).

Not 100% why that fixes it but i'll try and find out :) 

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