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How can I bend the lines of a geometric shape? As in below, want to make the lines sag between the points so it's not so straight.

...(without going to Aff Photo>warp . I want to preserves it's editability)  TIA!



If it is a vector shape use the node tool to grab onto the sides and push/pull into the curve you want.

Mac Pro (Late 2013) Mac OS 12.7.6 
Affinity Designer 2.5.7 | Affinity Photo 2.5.7 | Affinity Publisher 2.5.7 | Beta versions as they appear.

I have never mastered color management, period, so I cannot help with that.


Keep the selected shape, "Layer", "Convert to Curves".
Take the "Node" tool (white arrow), click on one of the lines to modify it or on one of the knots to adjust using its handles.

Bend shape.gif


To add a little to what has been said above, you can give yourself a better chance of getting a uniform result by using extra objects as 'snapping helpers', see attached video. Note where the lines change colour to show you what is being snapped to. You still have to drag the curve out by hand but you have a better idea of where you’re dragging to. (Please ignore the mistake I made about three-quarters of the way through where I accidentally created a new node.)  You may need to change your Snappoing settings to make it all work.

Or, if you are starting the shape from scratch you can use the Polygon Tool, give the polygon 4 sides and a negative curve %, see attached image.

Annotation 2020-02-24 101215.png

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