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Adjustments can be applied to a single layer, or the layers underneath the Adjustment, or the whole stack of layers depending on where the Adjustment layer is in the layer stack. An Adjustment can be applied to any layer, not just images.
My attached image shows that:
* the Posterise Adjustment has been applied to only the image;
* the Invert Adjustment (selected) has been applied to the rectangle and the image together;
* the Black & White Adjustment has been applied to everything.
Does this help to explain things?

Annotation 2020-02-22 082058.png


No, it actually doesn't.

My question was specifically about vector shapes.

When I have two vector shapes and I need to apply a layer adjustment such as Layer / New Adjustment / Brightness / Contrast to just one of the vector shapes I am unable to.

For example, if I need to apply a layer adjustment to the vector shape in a layer above another vector shape, no can do. I can of course apply a layer adjustment to both layers, or, the bottom layer, but not exclusively the top vector shape layer.

ACTUALLY, after further testing I've found the culprit. All shapes in AD can have layer adjustments independent of each other. What I've been trying to do in PLACE an SVG and independently do layer adjustments to it. Does not appear to be possible... In the example below the circle was drawn in AD and the lightning bolt was placed. I can apply layer adjustments to the circle, but not to the lighting bolt. To add layer adjustments to the lightning bolt I would have to add a layer adjustment above both layers and apply it to both.

What am I missing here?

I found what I was doing wrong!

On my placed SVG I was adding color through the effects panel.




Yes it should work.  It would help if we had your actual file to look at.  My guess is that in your embedded document of the bolt is at 100% yellow and black so there is no way to change the contrast or brightness.  As a test change the embedded document so the bolt is not a pure yellow, say with a saturation of about 50 and the black use say a 50% gray.  Then see if the adjustment doesn't work.

iMac (27-inch, Late 2009) with macOS Sierra

  • 2 years later...

I am having an issue which seems similar: I created art in Illustrator, all vectors, CMYK, then discovered AD and purchased it (yey! Adobe can eat dust). Then, upon instructions of a YouTube tutorial, I saved the file in AI as an SVG, which I opened in AD. Still all vector, CMYK.

Then comes my issue: I have the art inside a group and on the topmost layer of the group, I applied a brightness effect (The client liked the art but did a test print and thought it needed 20% brightness adjustment, overall) I see the difference in AD, but when I export for print / client, as PDF (per requested), this brightness adjustment does not show. I made 3 exports, one with no brightness adjustment, one with 10% and one with 20% and all look the same when I open them (the PDFs) in Apple's Preview app as well as in AD itself. So for some reason, the adjustment layer is not working when I export as PDF.

What am I doing wrong? I tried attaching a screen grab of the group, layer and adjustment layer situation, but the site is not allowing me to.

Screen Shot 2023-01-18 at 09.22.42.png


Further testing, still no results: I changed the document to RGB mode, but this also does not render any difference. I also tried Merge after adjusting the Brightness in the Adjustment Layer, and I also tried exporting as SVG instead of PDF. No difference... Any ideas?

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