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recently when opening Affinity Photo , the toolbar, the contextbar and symbolbar don´t show. I always have to click on the pop up menu and click them on to open them. Also the studio is always off. I here , too, have to clik it on everytime anew when opening.

I appears to me that this is a recent issue, in former versions that was not the case. Can you help me? Thank you very much. Martin

  • Staff

Hi illudo,
I've seen this happening a couple times. i believe it's related with pressing the tab key and closing the program in that state. Have you used it? There may be more cases (maybe using the tab key and switching between windowed and separated modes too). Seems it then messes things up but i still have to confirm this. Meanwhile press and hold ctrl while launching the application until a Clear User Data dialog appears, keep only the first three checkboxes ticked and press the Clear button. This should sort things out for you until we check what's going on.

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