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Can't use Frame Text Tool on left page?

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Just purchased Publisher, was doing well learning this by myself until i've hit a real catch.

I have a two page spread, I seem to be able to put everything bar a Frame Text in the left page, if I try, all the words get shunted around the edge of the page like there is some kind of barrier stopping me from typing in there. As you can see in the screenshot, the frame text box is partially in the page, but the words are pushed away and around the edges (only being allowed in the 3mm bleed). Why is this happening?

Screenshot 2020-02-07 at 04.09.47.png

Edited by Leothedino
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I tried playing with the master page (i haven't added anything to it, just worked off the basic one given to me when I started a 'new project'), I played with the option you were demonstrating in the GIF, nothing changed. I've uploaded the file to see if anybody can see this too? Really out of my depth on this one, and at this stage I think i've click every option and button to try and fix it, really frustrated. 


Edited by Leothedino
Removed a file link (issue solved)
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In all of your master pages you have various layers with Text Wrap set to “Tight” – “Left (Group)” and the bottom Group in that Group – not just the one mentioned by Murfee above.
If you remove these Text Wraps you will allow the text to come over to the left-hand page.
You must have added things to the master pages as what is in the document isn’t what you get by default.

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