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I have created a few custom presets which now are available in the My Presets tab of the New Document Panel. I've noticed the following behaviours, which I think could improve:

  • After starting AP the Web tab of the Presets panel is showing by default. To me it makes more sense to show the My Presets tab by default, as soon as there's at least one custom preset.
  • I also noticed that, when you navigate to the Templates vertical tab from any of the horizontal tabs (My Presets, Print etc) and then go back to the Presets vertical tab, you will see the Web tab again. It would make more sense to go back to the tab you came from (in my case My Presets) or, if this is not possible, back to the My Presets, which is the first one anyway.

I also noticed that, when you collapse one of the sections on the right hand side of the New Document panel, it's no longer collapsed after a restart of AP. Would be nice if this could also persist.

Affinity Photo - Affinity Designer - Affinity Publisher | macOS Sonoma (14.5) on 16GB MBP14 2021 with 2.5.X versions

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I have to agree with your first point. I'm not quite sure why it defaults to Web in an image editing application—I think My Presets makes more sense for the Presets tab. It is listed first as well...

I definitely agree with the second point as well.

3rd point noted too. 

I will pass these improvements suggestions to the developers. This is all brand new so hopefully, with a few tweaks here and there we could make it much more user-friendly and sensical. 

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