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I have set up a master page (2 page spread) with page numbers bottom left on left pages, and bottom right on right pages (along with text and picture boxes).

I have written over 100 pages, with no problems - all is as it should be at this point.

I need to insert a single page part way through the document. 

When I do this, the placement of the page numbers is thrown out - from the insert point on, the page numbers are on the opposite side of where the master has them.

To try and solve this, I tried to reapply the master to the affected pages, only to have all the text in the textboxes disappear.

Next thought (after reading the online help) was to have 2 masters - one with the background, text and picture boxes, and a second master with just the page numbers. The online help calls this set up:

Using multiple hierarchical master pages

(Master pages can be applied to other master pages in more complex documents. For example, a 'parent' master page containing just page numbering could be applied to 'child' multiple master pages colored separately for each section. This means you only need to change the page numbering styling on the parent master page; also, as you create new pages you only need assign a child master page while inheriting page numbering automatically from its parent.)

Will this solve the problem? and how do you do it? Or, is there a better way?




The adding one page to a document will do this, as will deleting one page.In essence you have to reapply your master pages and re-link your text frames from the point you added the single page.

The 1.8.0 beta handles this better.

Mac Pro (Late 2013) Mac OS 12.7.6 
Affinity Designer 2.5.7 | Affinity Photo 2.5.7 | Affinity Publisher 2.5.7 | Beta versions as they appear.

I have never mastered color management, period, so I cannot help with that.


Thanks "Old Bruce"! Nice to know it wasn't something dumb I had done (other than adding single pages and not planning ahead enough!) One other quick question if I may ask you (if you don't have a quick answer, let me know and I will put it out more widely):

When I go to print, I am told that "One or more text frames have overflowing text." Is there anyway of quickly finding which one(s)?

Again, thanks for your response on page numbering - I have been able to fix this issue because of your comment.



12 hours ago, Garry Gannell said:

When I go to print, I am told that "One or more text frames have overflowing text." Is there anyway of quickly finding which one(s)?

Go to the View Menu and make certain that Show Text Flow is checked. Then zoom out and look for little red dots.


Mac Pro (Late 2013) Mac OS 12.7.6 
Affinity Designer 2.5.7 | Affinity Photo 2.5.7 | Affinity Publisher 2.5.7 | Beta versions as they appear.

I have never mastered color management, period, so I cannot help with that.


Thanks Old Bruce,

I had done this, but the red dot was hidden in a text/graphic combo that I had grouped together. I went through element by element and ungrouped the combos and found the problem (on page 80)!

Almost ready to go to print now - quite keen to see how the next step goes (I will be exporting to a PDF and then hopefully using the Blurb photobook service.)

Thanks again for your help here.


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