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I'm using Publisher on my Mac. When I export a document (containing text, jpg images and a few png images) to png for web, the jpg images look pretty good, but the png images are terrible.I think they are exported to a much lower resolution than 72dpi.

I added the exported pdf. The round badge at the top right and the chick at the bottom left are the png images with the issue.

When I export for print these png images look fine in the export, but obviously then the document is too large for web publications.

Are there any settings or anything else I can do to improve this?

regards, Frank


Bliksum 159 e-mail5.pdf


It looks to me like all of the images have been rasterised to the same resolution.
Zoom in and have a look at the size of the squares in the top-right badge in comparison to the squares on the dog’s ear; they’re the same size. Same thing goes for the duck and the trees at the bottom.
An 8.27in page width at 72dpi gets you only around 596 pixels across the page so what you are getting doesn’t look wrong to me (I haven’t counted them).
There might be lots of ways you can get better image quality while not having a bulky file but they would probably depend on what you don’t mind ‘missing out on’.
Have you tried setting “Downsample images” OFF via the More dialog in the Export dialog? That might give you a better result quickly (file size will probably be much larger).

Annotation 2019-12-29 124214.png


There was a recent post with a similar problem. The solution given worked for me.


Windows 11, Affinity Photo 2.4.2 Designer 2.4.2 and Publisher 2.4.2 (mainly Photo).

CPU: Intel Core i5 8500 @ 3.00GHz. RAM: 32.0GB  DDR4 @ 1063MHz, Graphics: 2047MB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050

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