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Copying scanned linework from one document to another. Just copy paste a few times, and then merging the layers down. The image gets blurred more and more each time I merge the layer down. 

Is there something I can do to prevent this from happening? I work with black & white pencil drawings a lot, and need to preserve the gritty feel of the lines.


  • Staff

Hi RandallCC,
Welcome to Affinity Forums :)
Make sure the pasted image's X, Y coordinates are integer values (Transform panel). You may have to increase the Pixels field to two or three decimal places in Affinity Preferences, User Interface, Decimal Places for Units Types section - so you can see decimal values in the transform panel.

When placing or pasting images make sure you leave them aligned with the pixel grid, enabling Force Pixel Alignment in the main toolbar and moving the image a little on canvas if needed until it snaps to integer values. Only then merge when needed. Let me now if you still have trouble.


Okay Great! Integer values only (if not, AP averages the image?)

Force Pixel Alignment combined with Move by whole pixels seems to be the thing to keep in mind.



  • Staff

Don't enable Move by whole pixels, only Force Pixel Alignment. Move by whole pixels forces the object to keep the decimal places it may had on its original position before you move it since it limits the movement to full pixels - so for example an object located initially on X=10,5 px will always end with .5px after you move it if Move by whole pixels is enabled and thus still not aligned with the pixel grid.

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