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Newly installed Publisher operated without issues for three days but now immediately crashes on launch. The empty work space is shown and the system crashes out of application. I have included what seems to be a relevant log file...but this sort of diagnostic is sort of out of my league.

I have deleted and reinstalled the application and have the same result.

Affinity Publisher_2019-12-17-162655_MDS-iMac27.wakeups_resource.diag

  • Staff

Hi @mdscott,

Did you purchase the app from the Mac App Store or the Affinity Store?

If you purchased from the Mac App Store could you try these steps please:

Go to Macintosh HD\Users\username\Library\Containers\
rename the 'com.seriflabs.affinityPublisher' folder to 'com.seriflabs.affinityPublisher.old'
Start Publisher
This will have reset all of your settings so please note all of your assets, brushes, etc will not be there. Currently these are stored in the renamed folder so we can look at getting them back if this works for you. If Publisher does load up, could you zip up and attach a copy of the 'com.seriflabs.affinityPublisher.old' folder please?

Instead if you purchased from the Affinity Store could you try these steps please:

Go to Macintosh HD\Users\username\Library\Application Support\
rename the 'Affinity Publisher' folder to 'Affinity Publisher Old'
Start Publisher
This will have reset all of your settings so please note all of your assets, brushes, etc will not be there. Currently these are stored in the renamed folder so we can look at getting them back if this works for you. If Publisher does load up, could you zip up and attach a copy of the 'Affinity Publisher Old' folder please?


Gabe It is purchased from Affinity. User home folder is stored on separate HD from system so I used path to it. Changed name of resource folder Path used: Mac Pro 1 \MDS\Library\Application Support\ On launching Publisher problem had not been resolved. Zip file attached in any event.



1) Attached is a listing of Applications on this computer.

2) Additional data point... Prior to first crash I had (while AP not running) moved the 7 projects and their associated assets into separate folders. When I opened one of the projects I received a dialog box informing assets not available , did I want to locate them. I clicked yes. Then AP crashed. Subsequently it crashed without providing information about relocating assets.

3) The "Recently used Application" at bottom right of OS 10.15 Finder screen for AP is still showing and shows the most recently (pre-crash) used AP docs.

MDS iMac Apps.zip


Gabe - of possible interest Beta launches, can open the [copies of] the existing files, relink resources and save the files for reopening in 1.8.523

Also AP opened successfully while I held CTRL; On reset menu I selected/cleared all items; I was able to relocate resources for all pending projects.

6 of them would then open but one (zip attached) continues to crash when open. AP however continues to open/start normally.



  • Staff

That's very weird. Renaming that folder does what CTRL startup does, even a bit more than that. 

Mine does not crash without the resources. I suspect it might be one of them. Can you attach the resources so we can try and replicate it here?


Gabe - I have attached the resources and the completed page. Apologies for the haphazard naming. This was a quick Christmas "gift certificate" for our daughter & son-in-law.


ps: enjoy your upcoming holiday break...


  • Staff

Thanks. I managed to replicate the crash now. However, whatever caused the crash has already been fixed in the beta. Unfortunately, we would not be able to stop it from crashing in 1.7.3 though. 

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