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When exporting PSD there seems to be no way to define the output size, unlike other raster formats (TIF, JPEG, PNG etc.). THe output seems to depend on the document size and dpi setting. Why can't it be independent of the page settings as per the other bitmap out formats? Am I missing something?

Also, I note that unless you choose to rasterise, vector objects will be exported as vector, which is very nice thank you. However text seems to be rasterised. Why not export text as a vector object, or allow that option on export? I can convert my text to outlines and save as another file for export purposes, but  that'a s lot of phaffing when the export filter should be able to perform a temporary "convert to outlines" 

Windows 7 & 10 64-bit, Dual Xeon workstation(s) 64gb RAM, and single i7 laptop 32gb RAM


It's a proprietary layered document format, so are the affinity ones. - See for example "Anatomy of a PSD file" or the Adobe spec.

38 minutes ago, AndyQ said:

Why not export text as a vector object, or allow that option on export?

The Affinity PSD file parser can convert imported text into editable text, but the corresponding PSD generator part so far can't export/write it back into a PS related correct common editable PSD format text.

☛ Affinity Designer 1.10.8 ◆ Affinity Photo 1.10.8 ◆ Affinity Publisher 1.10.8 ◆ OSX El Capitan
☛ Affinity V2.3 apps ◆ MacOS Sonoma 14.2 ◆ iPad OS 17.2

10 minutes ago, v_kyr said:

It's a proprietary layered document format, so are the affinity ones. - See for example "Anatomy of a PSD file" or the Adobe spec.

The Affinity PSD file parser can convert imported text into editable text, but the corresponding PSD generator part so far can't export/write it back into a PS related correct common editable PSD format text.

Huh? I was talking about exporting text as vector graphics, not as editable text (although obviously that'd be nice too). I'm exporting PSD, and if I convert text to curves it will output as vector. I'm saying that this should be an export option, to automatically convert the text to graphics "on the fly" (AKA temporarily). That's not unusual for an export filter.  Also, the other point was being able to define the output size for the PSD raster portions.

Windows 7 & 10 64-bit, Dual Xeon workstation(s) 64gb RAM, and single i7 laptop 32gb RAM

  • Staff

Hi Andy Q,

I will move this thread to the Feature Requests section as I believe it is better suited to that section.


Please tag me using @ in your reply so I can be sure to respond ASAP.

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