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Hi all, 

We have had an unfortunate problem occur in this week's newspaper and I'm trying to nail down the issue. 

The client approved a PDF proof of their advert, created in Affinity Publisher. Prints fine, looks fine, everyone happy. 

But when it is placed on the Affinity page of the newspaper, most of the ligatures corrupt. 

In the attached screenshot, the original Affinity PDF is on the right, with the dodgy ligatures circled, while the one of the left is a new PDF where we have opted to save the Text as curves. 

It shouldn't be a typeface issue as the column is typeset in Calibri. 

And surely a PDF created in Affinity should import correctly into Affinity? 


(in summary, we have workaround, but baffled as to how it happens in first place) 


As ever, thanks for your help and thoughts :) 


  • Staff

We'll need some files to investigate which can be uploaded securely here

Copies of the PDF's,  publisher files and any fonts used.

Ligatures in PDF's can certainly be problematic - especially if you subSet the fonts exported to the PDF

  • Staff

Thanks I've logged an issue. For me not selecting the sub-set fonts option in the PDF More export options appears to prevent the ligature problem.


The dream of 'pass-through PDF', in which Affinity Suite represents an imported PDF as intended, without trying to re-interpret the text, remains. You have to outline all fonts in any PDFs you're importing into Affinity, if you want to ensure accuracy.

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