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The file type not supported. Affinity Designer

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Does anyone know of any tools that can recover barfed files?

I am not sure what was the thing that created the issue I a having.  I was working as normal on macOS Catalina 10.15, but then ran the macOS Catalina 10.15.1 update and rebooted to be welcomed with not being able to open the master file of my work created in Affinity Designer 1.7.3, secondly I also have about 8 TIFF files that were created in Affinity Photo that also will not open.

Any help would be great.

Screen Shot 2019-11-05 at 7.38.44 AM.png

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  • Staff

Can you check the file size of the .afdesign file and also the .TIFF files, if any show as 0KB the file may not of been correctly saved or corrupted. I don't believe we've had any other reports of this happening with macOS updates but will do some checking.

Do the TIFF files open in any other apps?

If the .afdesign file shows as having size but won't open, PM me a download link and I see if it can be recovered and if the cause is known.

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  • Staff

I've got the files, thank you.

Out of interest was the .afdesign file stored on Google Drive when you was using it? We have come across an issue with some cloud services that cause a file to become corrupt if you used the cloud service "drive" that shows in the OS. If this is the case, login to the cloud service through their web interface (browser) and download the file again. Once downloaded, try opening the file to see if you receive the same message.

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I only used Google Drive to put the file up for you to grab it.  

The .afdesign file and the TIFF are located on a RAID6 device that reports normal.  I have not had any other issues with my FCPX or Photogrammetry files that are very large, and I can create anything new with Affinity products with no issues.

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  • 6 months later...

Hello, I am new to this forum, just need a quick fix.

My file shows the same message when I try to open it. Please help recover the file. Its the worst time for it to crash, because I have a deadline tonight.

I'll send a link for the file download.


Many thanks,


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