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Artboards mixing RGB/CMYK and units. Defining new artboardpresets

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is there a way to have artboards for different outputs?

For Example when i Design an App i have an artboard with RGB colorspecrtrum and pixel as unit.

Now i want a second artboard for Businesscards. So i would need CMYK and metric units in mm.

Is this possible?

Also: How can i define new presets for the contextmenu of the artboard-tool?
There is only different phonesizes but (for example) no website preset.


Thank you. Kai

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Hi pixelmeister and Welcome to the Forums,

We can't have currently create presets for artboards.

Mixing RGB, CMYK and units is possible, you'd need to set the document to use RGB and Pixels as the units, then on your 2nd artboard make sure any colours you apply are CMYK colours.  For the units, you'd need to use the Transform Studio and where you have the width and height settings, just enter the mm value and add mm onto the end, this will then be converted to the correct Pixel value (so you'd see it displayed in Pixel units, but it would be the correct size in mm) you can then use the Export Persona to export out as CMYK or RGB, pixel or mm :) 

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