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What is affinity plan for RTL supporting

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Hi guys,
I am Mohamad from Egypt, I start using affinity softwares 2 months ago and I really appreciate these products so I bought a license for affinity designer and planning to buy photo and publisher also as I bought online courses for these products to be my assets as a designer
but I discovered a really big problem
no RTL support !!!
and when checked this issue I got posts and requests more than years ago and till now it seems there is no clear plan or estimated time to support this important issue
the Arabic is the official language in my country and I can not work without it, it is not possible so please confirm clearly what is your plan or say it Clearly go to adobe products you will not get your requirement here 
Thank you

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Hi mohamad almoayad and Welcome to the Forums,

This has come up a lot on the Forums and as confirmed by one of the Dev team on this post https://forum.affinity.serif.com/index.php?/topic/65525-right-to-left-support-for-hebrew-and-arabic/&tab=comments#comment-380651   It will be a while before we see this support in Affinity.



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28 minutes ago, stokerg said:

Hi mohamad almoayad and Welcome to the Forums,

This has come up a lot on the Forums and as confirmed by one of the Dev team on this post https://forum.affinity.serif.com/index.php?/topic/65525-right-to-left-support-for-hebrew-and-arabic/&tab=comments#comment-380651   It will be a while before we see this support in Affinity.

the post you refer to from more a year
and the reply not useful at all cause it has not a clear plan or estimated time or even approximately time
so I need to know the update about this issue or if there is no updates I need to cancel the license as these products doesn't meet a Middle East region requirements

28 minutes ago, stokerg said:



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