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Everything posted by VectorCat

  1. Are document rulers considered no longer important by some? I find they provide helpful, at-a-glance information about a document and its elements, even well after I’ve built the document. will there be rulers for those who want them, and maybe an OFF switch for those who don’t? thanks
  2. Continuing the experiment with the same document in the first example above: With 3 images placed in layout, the fourth stock image landed on a page, but not on the page I dragged it to. The 10th placed stock image landed between two pages, such that I could only see its control handles. The 12th placed stock image landed mostly on one page, much further down in the document than I’d placed; only control handles visible. The 13th image landed not or between any page, but well off the pasteboard area. Control handles visible. I get better results if I drag from the Stock images onto the page if I’m zoomed out enough to see all the pages at thumbnail size; better in that the image lands on the page I drag it to, and I can see the image and its control handles. This test document is a simple one - 20 pages - I set up to play around with V2 Publisher for iPad, and contains nothing more than placed images and one rectangle placed on page 1 and given a simple color fill. I gave he master page a grey color to be easier on the eyes. After placing the 13th stock image, I placed one by using the Image tool and navigating to a folder on the iPad where I keep images. I was able to place this image exactly where I wanted to. As Walt mentioned, the results are inconsistent. Hope this provides some clues.
  3. Just did a quick experiment with this. One document: very few images already in the layout, then added some images from Pixabay. The images “landed” basically on the intended page. Added images to another document with a fair number of images already in the layout..none of the images landed on the page I dragged to, but instead, at the end of the document, and not on any page. On half the tries, I couldn’t even see selection handles, and these may be because the image was deposited way below the last page..so far below that the selection handles could be seen only by zooming out on the document. Might it be that, in documents already loaded with images - however they got there - leaves the app with its hands full, so to speak, and unable to accurately place images dragged from the stock image Studio area?
  4. So, if each item in Live Docs is taking up RAM, even those with RAM to burn would be wise to keep the Live items pared to just the few active ones, correct?
  5. The two stock houses load in a wink. Dragging to the page does not deposit the desired image onto the page, but off of a page at the end of the document. As long as the selection handles remain visible, you’re fine. But I’ve also seen them simply vanish and am unable to re-select them by marqueeing around where they’d been. Is this a bug, and if so, is my text description adequate or must I take a video of what I’ve described? Thank you
  6. I Airdropped a Publisher project folder ( appx 1.6GB total ) from M1 Mac Mini to 2nd-Gen iPad Pro 12.9” Opened with iPad Publisher lickety split, no squawks, no issues.. Resource Mgr alerted me to missing assets. I pointed it to the folder where they all resided, found one image, Publisher found the rest. I’m only 20 minutes into using it..sure was worth the wait!
  7. Ok. Thank you. Grabbed the apps and I see the screen where you can either purchase or activate. I’ll do that bit later. thank you for your help and patience.
  8. Went there, balked at the actual downloading because I saw no evidence that my V2 license had been acknowledged by the App Store. thank you
  9. Thank you, Rajeeve; When I scan the QR code, or click the link on my iPad, I’m not taking to the actual app store, where I can download the iPad apps, but am taken instead to the page shown in the screen capture attached. At least I got the Desktop apps…fits and starts..
  10. The QR code and link on the download page for the iPad versions takes one to an App Store Preview page which does not allow actual downloading of the iPad versions of the V2 Suite. Has anyone actually, successfully purchased V2 from Affinity's site, then downloaded the iPad versions without being charged extra, and if so, what does that path actually look like?
  11. I don’t need to “work anything out,” sir I need serif to provide me with a working license key. cheers
  12. It is very unclear to me how this upgrade path works. the License for the Desktop apps was denied, and I'm not wild about trying for iPad in the app store and risking another charge. Is there a solution? Thank you
  13. I used my correct "Affinity ID" email and the exact License reference, and this produced a fail upon trying to enter license to the V2 versions of the Mac versions of these apps. Any clue what a fix is? Are there multiple license keys?
  14. Will serif extend the 40% off offer until the online purchase difficulties are sorted out?
  15. Thank you. Yes, I am really in Seattle, and not travelling. Tried on iPad - two different up-to-date browsers, including Safari - Javascript enabled and on Mac using the most up-to-date version of Safari - Javascript is enabled. I have no add-ons or doo-bobs. Straight Safari. Seems that many other people are encountering payment difficulties. I fantasized that so many people were grabbing this excellent deal that Affinity servers were choking on the traffic. Since I meet the requirements you just listed, perhaps something needs to be done on the Serif end of things. I never have issues paying for things online. I hope Serif are looking into why so many issues with payment. Cheers
  16. Got the V2 Suite in the cart.. Can someone please explain how I do the 3-D secure auth bit? Existing user, successfully logged into my Affinity Account. thanks!
  17. Thank you, Lee My bad for not posting in the right spot in the first place. cheers!
  18. I use an iPad Pro 12.9” 2nd Gen with a logi keyboard - made by Logitech, for those unfamiliar. While the Delete key in all other apps will…delete items, in the iPad version of Designer, it does not. It would be a big help ergonomically for the delete key to selected items. I’m a lefty, so my left hand is busy with the stylus. Were I a rightie, CMD-X would work fine. Thank you
  19. I guess it is just a name, yes, but names often hint at what you’re getting. It’s almost like a qualification. Since the naming is different, it suggests that what’s in the can is different, too. like coke classic. Is it real coca-cola? If it is, why does it have a different name? It suggests you’re not actually getting the real thing, but some kind of euphemistically-named substitute. this might be overthinking…. however, when I learned that it seemed there’d be an iPad version of possibly the greatest graphics suite ever created, it felt like the plan was to offer a cross-platform work environment… …which I feel is why we’re all on the edge of our seats waiting for it. having a v2 when there isn’t even a v1 makes one think that it’s not a continuation of what we have on mac and windows, but something with clipped wings. still…will be cool when it arrives.
  20. Beautifully stated. Is it a pared-down fork of the real Publisher? like, a Squire Stratocaster?
  21. I am using a 2021 Version of Word / Office for Mac. Weird..yesterday, when I opened from Word, I was presented with some kind of converter settings box saying "select the settings until the PDF looks right." Never looked right. Today, same method of opening, and Word Opens the PDF straight away..mangles it a bit, but the text's there.
  22. I can PDF a publisher document, and open it in LibreOffice, but MS Word just gives me that dumb Homer Simpson look. I guess from LibreOffice, I could save out as a Word format, then open and re-save in the real Word to really...Wordify it? I'm not seeing a quicker one. Thank you in advance if anyone else does.
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