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William Overington

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Everything posted by William Overington

  1. @Alfred Thank you. I have found that archiving in webmail is very effective. I have entitled the email as aflist.dat example so a search should pick it up. William
  2. Yes. Thank you for posting it for me. I have now saved it on my computer and I intend to post it to webmail so that I can recover it if the computer breaks down. William
  3. I accept that you may be right, but I have always thought that a Point of Order is a question to the person chairing a meeting. Certainly, I have seen some, shall we say, ingenious, ways of turning a statement, even a speech, into a question in the televised Points of Order in the proceedings of the House of Commons on BBC Parliament, but nevertheless. Not direct quotes, but the following sorts of thing. quite often used, as a way of getting something done, "Mr Speaker, The local council in my constituency of Wherever is behaving appallingly towards one of my constituents, etc details etc etc etc Is it possible for my concerns to be printed in the official report of proceedings in this chamber please?" "The concerns that the Honourable Gentleman has with a Council is not a matter for the Chair. The Honourable Gentleman has however ensured that his concerns will be printed in the official report and his concerns will have been heard on the Treasury Bench." William
  4. Not necessarily. It may well be that the policy of not commenting will remain as it was, but not necessarily. Canva has bought Affinity, Canva may decide to do things differently. Que sera sera. William
  5. A point of order is a question. It is not a matter of it being overruled. A reply has been received. I pointed out that I had not demanded anything, which was, in my opinion, a reasonable thing to do, as I had asked politely. not in any way demanded. William
  6. Readers who are interested in what can be produced using AI may like to have a look at the many threads about this in Alfred's forum. There is new content yesterday and today. https://punster.me/serif/viewforum.php?id=11 William
  7. And I had not dictated to anybody at all. I provided information that I opined would help in the assessment process and that by providing the information that I did that that might increase the possibility of the idea being tried for a practical evaluation of my suggestion. It is a new era with Canva. The pledges have been published. Yet a ruling is made "No need for another thread on this.". So is the new era going to be locked into what happened previously when things were different, or will the opportunity to go forward into the new era be seized? Pledge 4 does use the word "LED". William
  8. It had not occurred to me that my detailed post to try to show a good way to implement my idea would be deleted. Affinity had sought ideas. William
  9. Some people post a Haha response to some of my posts, yet usually they do not post about why they post that reaction. Some readers may be surprised by and delight in the following article. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ha-ha William
  10. Many years ago I produced some documents about using the Paint program. http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~ngo/pai04000.htm http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~ngo/pai04100.htm http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~ngo/pai04200.htm http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~ngo/pai20000.htm http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~ngo/pai04300.htm William
  11. Correct. For the avoidance of doubt, I have not demanded anything, I do not demand things. I asked politely. Asking politely is not at all demanding. Here is a transcript of my asking. William
  12. There is a new era since Canva bought Affinity. Four Pledges have been published. Pledge 4 is about ideas. I put forward an idea and a way to do it. https://forum.affinity.serif.com/index.php?/topic/202719-on-a-point-of-order-regarding-removing-my-post-that-suggested-a-specific-technique/#comment-1205970 William
  13. I notice that some of my posts have been removed from a thread. https://forum.affinity.serif.com/index.php?/topic/202458-a-localizable-version-of-each-of-the-affinity-programs-such-that-the-localization-of-the-menus-is-using-an-external-localization-file/&do=findComment&comment=1205842 A post in which I suggested a specific technique appears to have been removed. Alas, I have not got a copy of that post, the one with the test aflist.dat file with the code numbers. Have you saved a copy for staff to consider when my suggestion is considered? If so, could you email me a copy please? I know that the post stating the pruning and locking states that the feature has been requested before. A ruling is made "No need for another thread on this.". Yet Pledge 4 has been made in this new era. So I posted the idea, hoping that the idea may be of benefit. So has my suggestion made in that thread now been rejected or is it still under consideration please? William
  14. Would anyone try to eat the gnomon of a sundial? 😁 William
  15. I opine that it is always better to have a definitive statement that something that could have content in it is, in fact, in this particular case empty, rather than no comment at all. Otherwise one cannot be congruently certain of what is the situation. William
  16. The artwork said "including Vegan", so maybe nobody wanted vegan. William
  17. What exactly is in a cheeseburger please? (I know, I know!) What I mean is, what is in it that distinguishes it from just being a lump of cheese? William
  18. Would it be a good idea for Canva Affinity to join Unicode Inc. as a full member? https://home.unicode.org/membership/members/ Would the publicity value alone be worth the money? William
  19. May I express a concern about something that happens, yet does not always happen, and which, if abolished by a new policy of how to approach things might be beneficial to Affinity? If I remember correctly, when QR codes were introduced into PagePlus, only a selection of popular ways of generating a QR code were included. Sort of, only a bit, just the popular, as if oh dear we can't do more than the popular. Yet when OpenType capability appeared in PagePlus in version X5 it was, as far as I am aware, comprehensively and superbly done. So now that QR code generation is being introduced into Affinity (which products?) how will it be done, comprehensive or "just the popular"? Which way that goes I think will be indicative of the thinking not just on that feature as Affinity goes forward under Canva ownership. Is the culture to do just enough to tick a few popular boxes or is the culture to go the extra light year and become the market leader with features that others do not have? Are opportunities to be grumbled away because they have not yet been done by an American company? Affinity needs to lead, not just try to catch up. William
  20. Here is a link to a song that I wrote that involves food. http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~ngo/localizable_sentences_the_second_novel_chapter_039.pdf http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~ngo/song1015.htm William
  21. Yes, you are right. Some people make statements as if they are fact, then if it turns out that it is not always true, they start waffling about "well, in ninety-nine per cent of cases" and so on. I have no experience of Adobe products. I notice lots of posts in these forums mention Adobe products. Why do so many people assume that Canva wants to compete with Adobe? I remember one famous female country music singer said to other female country music singers that there is enough for all of us. I am reminded that years ago i bought a book that is a collection of early science fiction stories from the late 1800s to early 1900s. The title is Rivals of H. G. Wells. Why Rivals? If I write a science fiction novel and publish it, I am not a rival of some other science fiction writer, it is just that I wrote a science fiction novel. Would you like to read it ... please? There is rather a lot so if you just want to dip in, Chapters 5 and 34 are good chapters to do that. Oh, and Chapter 21. But the thing is, some people might start on about the novel just being fanciful and unrealistic, but if they say that before having read the whole novel ... well! http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~ngo/novel_plus.htm One of my inventions was particularly successful. Something I devised and for which I coined a new word to describe it and after a while, I wrote a letter to the editor of a trade magazine about it and the letter was published, with the new word in it, openly stating that was what I called it. Well, there was a reply criticising the idea yet using the word that I had coined and the heading of that letter had the word that I had coined in it. One thing followed another and I was invited to jointly author a paper for an international conference of which I had not previously known about and there I saw my invention working. And the word I coined is now in the Oxford English Dictionary and the etymology of the word lists my letter to the editor of the trade magazine as the first use in print of the word that I coined. William
  22. Beauvais Cathedral fell down twice, but please look at it now on Google street view. So, keeping at it can get a result. William
  23. They could try allowing and encouraging staff to try to get a Master degree for their research work. A great incentive for those of the staff who would regard that as a marvellous opportunity and a great opportunity for Canva to benefit from the results of those Master level studies. I hope that nobody dismisses this suggestion on the basis of not understanding that some universities allow research for a Master degree to be carried out in an industrial setting with only occasional visits to the university. Two supervisors, one in the workplace, a member of the business's staff, and one at the university. William
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