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  1. Hi, I have the 3 programs : designer, photo and publisher (all ver 2). While in publisher I see on the top left the 3 icons to switch to the other programs in Designer I do not see them. What can I do? I'd like to switch from Designer to Photo when needed
  2. When I had this issue I used export persona instead of designer persona. There I created a slice and then exported. Hope it'll help you
  3. Hello, I have a small problem regarding shortcuts for the NODE TOOL. I go to Edit --> Preferences , in the window I choose "Keyboard Shortcuts". Then from the upper right menu I select "Node Tool". I managed to create shortcuts for "Break Curve" and "Join Curve" as you can see from the image here enclosed, but what about "Close Curve" ? Maybe this is a silly question and in case , being a newbie, I do apologize. Thx in advance for any help.
  4. Hello, I have a small problem regarding shortcuts for the NODE TOOL. I go to Edit --> Preferences , in the window I choose "Keyboard Shortcuts". Then from the upper right menu I select "Node Tool". I managed to create shortcuts for "Break Curve" and "Join Curve" as you can see from the image here enclosed, but what about "Close Curve" ? Maybe this is a silly question and in case , being a newbie, I do apologize. Thx in advance for any help.
  5. I exported through the file--> export menu and not in the export persone. I apoligize being a newbie. I noticed that the slice was bigger than the area to export and I do not understand why (but surely I made some changes ). In any case once corrected and exported in the proper way everything worked. Thanks for your help
  6. The size and position of the square is the same of the artboard. If you don't mind I enclose the file. art deco 1920 - 02.afdesign
  7. No, I checked the document setup and the bleed values are all 0. I enclose 2 images. One is the screen capture where is possible to see both the artboard and the bleed settings and the other is the png file with the unwanted border. Thanks for your help
  8. Hi, when exporting an artboard to PNG I get an image with an unwanted white border all around. The margins are 0 in the document setup but I didn't find a way to get rid of that border. Thanks for any help
  9. Now I can see it. It really solves my problem !!! Thanks a lot for your help dutchshader
  10. I'm sorry dutchshader but I can't see the video.
  11. I need some suggestion for the following problem : I have a matrix of symbols (see image matrix - A) that I put inside the layer of a curve (see image matrix - B). I need to cut all the symbol and delete whatever is outside the curve including any portion of symbol cut by the curve. Unfortunately it's not enough to put the matrix inside the curve layer. The reason is that when I export in PDF and then convert in DXF for my laser cutter the complete matrix reappears again. I tried to be as clear as possible if not I do apologize. Thanks for any help.
  12. Hi, I tried to apply the point transform tool to my brush but I didn't manage (please see image). For sure there is something basic that I'm doing wrong. Maybe the brush settings or a symbol setting. Thanks for your help
  13. first of all thanks for replying. The application is Affinity Designer you're right. The problem happens when I have a lot of concentric lines (I used a circle but could be any concentric line) and in that case I must replicate&scale, otherwise I guess I have to draw each one by one. Maybe the drawing in the image was not so clear to represent the problem. What I'm looking for is a way to replicate&scale, without the problem of the symbol (the dot in this case) modified in proportion. Thanks for any help
  14. HI, I have a small problem. I applied a brush , the dotted one in the middle circle of the image attached. I made a copy (cmd + j) and then multiplied by 0.5 to obtain the inner circle and again (cmd + j) by 1.5 for outer circle. I'd like to know how to avoid to have the dots distorted. This happens both with intensity and image brushes. I need to make a lot of concentric lines full of dots that's why I'm looking for a solution. I'm a newbie and maybe the solution is simple in any case thanks for any help.
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