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  1. Affinity 1.9.0 does not fix this issue either. Characters are displayed, but weights cannot be selected.
  2. Hi Gabe, Thank you for your reply. I don't want to infringe copyright, so I sent a free distributed font that has the same issue. Anyway, they also derive the same problem. Please let me know if you need more samples. I will send more.
  3. In Affinity 1.8.3, does not cause this problem because it uses alphabetic font names. I will stay in this version as a temporary solution.
  4. I can use the English name font in text style as usual. For example, Verdana and Yu Gothic UI However, when I select a font with a Japanese name such as "游明朝", it is displayed that the font cannot be found (the font name is prefixed with "?"). It definitely exists because it is included in Japanese Windows 10. I also can't choose font characteristics (Bold, Italic ...). Affinity doesn't seem to find the font. This issue seems to occur in all Affinity products on Windows (checked in Designer
  5. Hi MEB, Thank you for your quick reply! OK. I will wait for that setting to be added. Affinity is wonderful.
  6. Hello. I recently started using Affinity. In order to clean arranging a plurality of elements, I often use the guide. The number on the right of the image seems to be written as 90.5, but it was too small to read very hard. I would be pleased if you let me know if there is a way to change the size of this letter. I am using Affinity Designer on Windows. Also, I am satisfied with the UI size, so I am not planning to change the resolution.
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