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  1. I know the exact button you're talking about... but it's not on my toolbar! Talk about a cursed project!
  2. Thank you for this. It worked perfectly... up until I hit "delete" and the entire image vanished. Now when I go back in I can't replicate the Flood Fill Tool effect where it selected the white area. Open a whole new project, repeat the exact same steps, get no response now to the exact same sequence of commands. I now have my assistant in here watching me. We're both laughing and crying at the screen, her because it's absurd, and me because I now have a witness and I feel like I'm not going quite so insane. I'm working on a 2015 iMac. For the record, I've watched an Adobe tutorial that explained how to use the Brush Selection tool, and I finally got that to work. I need to fine tune the process, but at least it's a start. Your process sounds much quicker and easier, so I"d like to figure it out for future reference.
  3. I'm afraid this solution didn't work at all for me. I've got a piece of line art with a white background. Absolutely nothing I have done will separate the background. I've followed video tutorials, have the background set to Transparent (as evidenced by the gray checkerboard on my screen). I've rasterized, selected my color (black), punched the "Mask" button in the Layers toolbox... and although it creates a new masked layer, nothing actually changes. The white background never disappears to reveal the gray checkerboard. The exported PNG, despite selecting "Transparent background" and only the Selected Item, still comes back with a black image on a solid white background. In Publisher Pro, which I swear was a progenitor to this package, it was a simple two click operation. It literally had a button called "Select Transparent Color". I've been working with Affinity for two years, and this has been my constant, brutal frustration. I will literally walk to another building to fire up my old PC and use Publisher Pro to make a background go away because I simply cannot figure out how to do it in Affinity. Help me Obi Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope.
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