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  1. https://youtu.be/CLyB8m4fgE0 Video now on youtube
  2. Youtube Link: https://youtu.be/O1d6zTgpsVc Comments on the youtube video is always welcomed.
  3. All we can do is try to help our fellow community members! I hope the desired workflow, becomes available for these individuals. Thank You!
  4. Please feel free at anytime to share your technique on how this can be achieved. A video would be amazing so we can see the example thank you.
  5. My Innovative idea? Feel free to share any techniques you have to help the community on this topic, I am always ready to learning something new.
  6. I tried the Macro, and thank you for sharing this information. I also noticed Copy from the selection does the same thing as the macro. I have examples with the same dimensions after the crop is performed. 756px x 656px http://oo5dynasty.com/video/new_from_clipboard.mp4 http://oo5dynasty.com/video/crop_macro.mp4
  7. Lol, Title is (is Crop to selection possible) and that question was answered. No a crop to selection Function is not present in the current application. So we have given suggestions for a work around for those who want to work destructively inside a nondestructive application. Did my best to help you and I hope you find what you are looking for.
  8. To be honest I showed you exactly what you showed me. Plus the crop tool is cropping to what you selected. I don’t think you guys are posting in the right thread. Crop to Selection. The Crop to Selection command crops the image to the boundary of the selection by removing any strips at the edges whose contents are all completely unselected. Areas which are partially selected (for example, by feathering) are not cropped. The best thing I can do for you guys is link this post that clearly breaks it down. He even states affinity Photo is a nondestructive based workflow application. He also breaks down ways to still achieve what you are looking for. Please try these method and see if they are helpful. If not then you might have to stick with the software you are currently using to crop to selection. As always I try to help where I can, and I hope you ultimately find a way to use affinity.serif.com product in its entirely with no issues.
  9. Just a simple round brush, but ill try again at a later time to see if their is something I'm doing wrong on my end. If the problem continues, I will just record a video of my process and submit on the forum. Thank you for following up with me, I appreciate that!
  10. The brush in affinity Designer lags for me, and then crashes the program. I just make a note not to click on it. Maybe ill take a video of this and show it to the dev team.
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