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It's a bit strange that Affinity that tries to hit the "pro market" is not implementing webp in their application and forces me to go back to Photoshop and Avocode. Despite the fact that Google provides the codec for developers to use in their applications. Regards, David API for the WebP Codec The WebP team has provided an extensive API to allow developers to add support to their applications, including browsers, image editing tools as well as native applications. Consult the API documentation for a description of libwebp application programming interface.
Hi Piotr, Looking at the end result you can see that merging 4 HDR's give a very dark result and loss of spaciousness. If possible I would go for max 5 x bracketing of the space (low iso small diaphragm) with light, but without any lighting effect. Then take 4 images of the lighting effects somehow extract them from the background and put on top. (much work and difficult to achieve). Easy way to do it is: imitate the light effects in Affinity (tutorial! Only have to choose the color purple and add the effects on the spots that need it, preferable on different layers.) and put them on top of the only one HDR. Advantage: Much simpler workflow, best HDR you can get, no buildup of noise and other artifacts, fare more sharpness. I'm a big fan of Affinity, but for HDR I use Photomatix . Regards, David
Hi Piotr, The size of your example images is not the same! I had a look in Photomatix. 1. 1000px X 668px 2. 1000px X 667px 3. 1000px X 666px 4. 1000px X 666px To me your images look like they have the same exposure time, but different lightning with LEDS on different spots of the total space. That has nothing to do with HDR. If this is the end result of the total HDR proces you have to take in account that merging 4x the end result of 4 HDR images will not give you a nice HDR image. Or do you have more images to try? I have been reading 10 exposure bracketing? In a situation like this 3x to max 5x bracketing will be more then sufficient. Regards, David
What generation i5 do you have? It's the first figure from the processor name. For example i7-4750HQ means a 4th generation i7. 6 GB is a very small size, I would recommend minimum 8 GB RAM and up. And use fysical RAM and no virtual RAM on the harddisk, because that doesn't speed things up. Regards, David
Yes because you use a 4k screen your images will look very small and terrible when you crop them and make them smaller. No you don't have to export a smaller size for the web. Look in the source code of my website and you see how I used images in large sizes to be compatible with HD resolution screens. I'm not talking about D.P.I. or P.P.I. because on screen it means nothing . I'm talking about the size of the image it self in pixels. My Website And this is only for HD not ultra hi resolution, but it gives you an idea. I have to update the bottom ones to 4500px! Of course the file size of each image has to be as small as possible and you can see the expected file size in the export panel when you move the % slider. As you can see in my image code I also use Google webp for extremely smaller (70%) bandwidth of image loading. If you want to use it or contribute here is more info on how to do it: https://github.com/aFarkas/lazysizes Here you can crop and copy the code as a start: https://www.responsivebreakpoints.com/ When your uploading to social media it's the same thing: Facebook says a linked image must be 1200px to 627px but in reality you can put in images with the same pixel ratio and a bigger size for example: 3000px to 1577.5px and now it wil look sharp and crisp on hi res screens too. (only you have activate hi res upload of images in the Facebook preferences). <picture> <source media="(max-width: 475px) and (orientation: portrait)" type="image/webp" data-sizes="auto" srcset="" data-srcset=" /Responsive-Images/Home/Backgr/Home-back-phone-wp/Home-back-phone-Orig_uavtfe_c_scale%2Cw_480.webp 480w, /Responsive-Images/Home/Backgr/Home-back-phone-wp/Home-back-phone-Orig_uavtfe_c_scale%2Cw_908.webp 908w, /Responsive-Images/Home/Backgr/Home-back-phone-wp/Home-back-phone-Orig_uavtfe_c_scale%2Cw_1200.webp 1200w" class="lazyload"> <source media="(max-width: 475px) and (orientation: portrait)" data-sizes="auto" srcset="" data-srcset=" /Responsive-Images/Home/Backgr/Home-back-phone-jpg/Home-back-phone-Orig_uavtfe_c_scale%2Cw_480.jpg 480w, /Responsive-Images/Home/Backgr/Home-back-phone-jpg/Home-back-phone-Orig_uavtfe_c_scale%2Cw_908.jpg 908w, /Responsive-Images/Home/Backgr/Home-back-phone-jpg/Home-back-phone-Orig_uavtfe_c_scale%2Cw_1200.jpg 1200w" class="lazyload"> <source media="(min-width: 476px) and (orientation: portrait)" type="image/webp" data-sizes="auto" srcset="" data-srcset=" /Responsive-Images/Home/Backgr/Home-back-tablet-wp/Home-back-tablet-Orig_slailm_c_scale%2Cw_768.webp 768w, /Responsive-Images/Home/Backgr/Home-back-tablet-wp/Home-back-tablet-Orig_slailm_c_scale%2Cw_1215.webp 1215w, /Responsive-Images/Home/Backgr/Home-back-tablet-wp/Home-back-tablet-Orig_slailm_c_scale%2Cw_1536.webp 1536w" class="lazyload"> <source media="(min-width: 476px) and (orientation: portrait)" data-sizes="auto" srcset="" data-srcset=" /Responsive-Images/Home/Backgr/Home-back-tablet-jpg/Home-back-tablet-Orig_slailm_c_scale%2Cw_768.jpg 768w, /Responsive-Images/Home/Backgr/Home-back-tablet-jpg/Home-back-tablet-Orig_slailm_c_scale%2Cw_1215.jpg 1215w, /Responsive-Images/Home/Backgr/Home-back-tablet-jpg/Home-back-tablet-Orig_slailm_c_scale%2Cw_1536.jpg 1536w" class="lazyload"> <source media="(max-width: 4800px)" type="image/webp" data-sizes="auto" srcset="" data-srcset=" /Responsive-Images/Home/Backgr/Home-back-hd-wp/Home-back-hd-w-Orig_sucju2_c_scale%2Cw_500.webp 500w, /Responsive-Images/Home/Backgr/Home-back-hd-wp/Home-back-hd-w-Orig_sucju2_c_scale%2Cw_1136.webp 1136w, /Responsive-Images/Home/Backgr/Home-back-hd-wp/Home-back-hd-w-Orig_sucju2_c_scale%2Cw_1569.webp 1569w, /Responsive-Images/Home/Backgr/Home-back-hd-wp/Home-back-hd-w-Orig_sucju2_c_scale%2Cw_1838.webp 1838w, /Responsive-Images/Home/Backgr/Home-back-hd-wp/Home-back-hd-w-Orig_sucju2_c_scale%2Cw_1920.webp 1920w" class="lazyload"> <img data-sizes="auto" srcset="" data-srcset=" /Responsive-Images/Home/Backgr/Home-back-hd-jpg/Home-back-hd-w-Orig_sucju2_c_scale%2Cw_500.jpg 500w, /Responsive-Images/Home/Backgr/Home-back-hd-jpg/Home-back-hd-w-Orig_sucju2_c_scale%2Cw_1136.jpg 1136w, /Responsive-Images/Home/Backgr/Home-back-hd-jpg/Home-back-hd-w-Orig_sucju2_c_scale%2Cw_1569.jpg 1536w, /Responsive-Images/Home/Backgr/Home-back-hd-jpg/Home-back-hd-w-Orig_sucju2_c_scale%2Cw_1838.jpg 1838w, /Responsive-Images/Home/Backgr/Home-back-hd-jpg/Home-back-hd-w-Orig_sucju2_c_scale%2Cw_1920.jpg 1920w" class="lazyload" src="" alt="full screen achtergrond foto met een zakenvrouw uit Limburg aan de kant van het golvende water klaar voor een duik"> </picture> This is the same image done in Photoshop and saved for web at 87%:
Hi GRUMcz, Developed 6036px X 4020px NEF and exported to jpg at 87% same size as you uploaded the exported one 1000px X 667px Looks as expected sharp and OK, but you can't enlarge it more then a 1000px because then you start seeing artifacts. What kind of monitor are you looking at? If you want I can do it for you in Capture One from Phase One. It gives the best results. But then you need to PM me your email address. Regards, David
I fully agree with the potential that Affinity has and will deliver in the future, but the fact is that you can open a PSD in Affinity and Smart Objects will be displayed as rasters because they simply don't work. So when files arrive from companies to you that use Adobe what is your solution when they deliver a PSD with Smart Objects that need further tweaking? Or you have to deliver a Adobe extension (industry standard) to a client like a PSD and you only use Affinity what do you do when they can't open your files or your files don't work a 100%, because they use Photoshop? That will always be the problem. Adobe (unfortunately) is a giant that dominates the world with their applications and greedy business model compare to Serif and Affinity that are much smaller and use a more human friendly approach towards their users. This is just one example but I can name more (plugins for example, editing text in a PSD and Photoshop Actions), the problem is that not everybody uses Affinity so a 100% replacement is out of the question for now. I use both Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator ( CS 6) and Affinity Photo and Designer. Of course I hope I can skip Adobe completely in the future! David
Hi, Yes I've been reading the other questions on this forum first. When I try to download the first file from the Design Workbook it leads to a 404 https://affin.co/core_skills_artboards.afdesign Never seen such a unclear way of providing downloadable files for a book! Why not just one ZIP for the whole book? Regards & Thanks, David
Hi, As it seems possible to use a Affinity kind of "Smart Objects" in Photo and Designer, I wonder why it's not implemented in a way that when you open a PSD in Affinity containing "Smart Objects" it automatically converts in the same way as in the above video tutorial and all you have to do is save it in .afphoto or afdesign to continue working on it? Regards, David
Thanks reglico and all others! This is the best I could get with your help and the use of 2 clipping masks in Affinity Designer! Needs some fine tuning because of the too dark spots. The Photoshop one did not turn out well. Thanks again, David
Thanks all!!! But as you can see the results looks like it's on top the stone instead of in the stone. But not connected with the background. David
Went back to Photoshop for this one, because Affinity has very limited effects to accomplish the desired effect. That's probably the reason no one knows exactly how to do it. The image I have put as an example at the start of this post is impossible to make with Affinity I think. David
Hi Callum, Yes That's where I got the image from, but how exactly it's made with Affinity is not clear to me. Thanks, David
Hi, I wonder how do I get this effect on the fonts in Affinity Designer? Regards & Thanks, David
Hi Dries, Stokerg is right you can have pages full of discussions about this subject as in the above links but: It all depends on what generation and type i7 and i5 you have! There are some i5 processors that perform better then some i7, Check the specifications with Google when you see a certain offer (lot's of offers contain older generation processors). And don't forget the memory that plays an important role in combination with the processor. Regards, David