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All Media Lab

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Everything posted by All Media Lab

  1. Hi, I'm looking for a copyright symbol in Affinity Designer to use in a design. I have icons, but wonder if it's in the application somewhere! Regards and Thanks, David
  2. Hi, I guess it's a DICOM extension file or a real life image? Never tried to open one in Afinity. If you have the fysical X-Ray you could use a scanner, but for digital: Decom Tool Kit I have never tried this, but it seems to export to PNG. Regards, David
  3. Hi, Did anyone tried the JPEG MINI Photoshop plugin in Affinity Photo? Regards & Thanks, David
  4. Left Adobe after CS 5.5 (still works) and never looked back! Use Affinity Photo, Affinity Designer, Sublime Text 3, Natron, Hitfilm, Capture One 12. No reason for me to stay at Adobe.
  5. Hi Jim, I use the Intuos 4 and it works perfect! But I don't know about the newer ones. Regards, David
  6. I hope this will change soon, because for modern webdesign we need to be able to automate this, so we don't have to go outside AP and use apps like this: responsivebreakpoints generator
  7. Thanks, but I try to batch process 20 AP files to export in multiple sizes. Not just one file.
  8. Looked at the export persona, but found it's limited to only one file to process in different slices. Not what I'm looking for. Or did I miss something?
  9. For webdesign it's common practice to export multiple image sizes and orientations!
  10. Hi, Did use the Batch Job for export in several sizes, but had to do one Job for one size. Is there a way to export multiple sizes? Regards & Thanks, David
  11. Hi Gabriele, Welcome to the forum! It all depends on what hardware you use (processor/memory) and 9 images for bracketing is too much. Normal bracketing takes 3 images and 5 at the max, but usually 3 images will do the job. The more images you add, the more time it takes to process. If you want I can take a look at the images. Regards, David
  12. I think you can keep on dreaming because Skylum is busy with the Luminar 3 DAM for one and a half year now, it's pathetic! Glad I got my refund for Luminar 2018 and Luminar 3! Both did not work proper and my patience was over. Use Capture One 12 now (with export to Affinity Photo and a DAM that really works). Skylum has a dubious record of false promises and buggy software. They do spend a lot of money and effort to their marketing with affiliate's on Youtube and Facebook but deliver poor quality software. Affinity Photo at least works on most fronts and Serif keeps their promises. There is nothing you can't do with Affinity Photo that you can with Luminar 3. "AI Sky" is a joke! Just select the sky in AP and adjust to taste! Regards, David
  13. This what I use for years now: http://www.romeolight.com/products/webpconv/ But it's only Windows!
  14. Hi, Now that the webp extension works on Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge and Mozilla Firefox is it not about time to implement the webp export feature in Affinity Photo? Regards, David
  15. Hi, Now that the webp extension works on Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge and Mozilla Firefox is it not about time to implement the webp export feature in Affinity Photo? Regards, David
  16. Hi, Have about 50 .afphoto files that I have to export to jpeg. Is it possible to batch process this and how do I achieve this? Regards & Thanks, David
  17. Hi dadisiolutosin, Luminar 3 doesn't compete with anyone until they have fixed all the bugs in the application including the DAM that they are developing now for one and a half year, Capture One is a pure Raw editor that I use every day. Affinity Photo is a allround Photo Editor that I use instead of Photoshop. So it's difficult to compare them with each other. A DAM would be nice, but there a several open source DAMS. If you are looking for a good open source tethering application (I don't know what camera you use!) try this: digicamcontrol You can combine it with Affinity Photo. Regards, David
  18. PROBLEM SOLVED! Hi, Try to replace a color with some spots and artifacts into a solid color (no color gradations!). The problem I encounter is when I select the area > use the color picker and floatfill the color it's not a solid color and I still see the artifacts. No matter what tolerance setting I use. What is the best way to achieve this? Regards & Thanks, David
  19. Hi Pigny, I had the Luminar 2018 plugin working in Affinity, but it gave the wrong results after using it. Last week I received my refund for Luminar 2018 and Luminar 3 and I removed the applications from my harddrive. Luminar 3 is full of problems just have a look at their forum it is a joke. Regards, David
  20. Don't understand what you mean! The problem I have is that the color I try to replace comes from a part that has some artifacts. What I try to achieve is select the whole area and fill it with one solid color to cover all artifacts.
  21. Hi, I just wonder what are the consequences for European companies (like the one I have) in relation with Serif being a UK located company? I'm talking about VAT and maybe other issues! Regards, David
  22. Hi, Try to replace a color in a selected area of an image. This is what I do: Select area > Pick color with color picker > flood fill selected area with color. Unfortunately it doesn't give the proper result. What is the best way to do this in AP? Regards & Thanks, David
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