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    JimInFlorida got a reaction from Patrick Connor in RAW Processing in 2.5.0   
    My Nikon NEF file opens with no issues.  It takes about 10 seconds to open the first file.  Subsequent files open in about 2 seconds.  HA is turned on. 
  2. Thanks
    JimInFlorida got a reaction from Patrick Connor in Extremely disappointed that this installs as an "App" and not regular software program   
    I don't want to go the unzipped route and look forward to a better fix.  My XPS-15 has up to date Windows 10 and should be very capable of running V2. 
    I will make it clear in the other threads that I am still unresolved.
     I am in the US in Eastern time zone, and away from the computer most of the day.  Hoping it does not turn into a long term, iterative Q and A getting to resolution.
  3. Like
    JimInFlorida got a reaction from BigOldFixer in Photo 2 installation directory??   
    Going the refund and wait route for me also.  They will come out with the fix right after the promotional pricing expires.....
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