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  1. serif should be if not already developing designer and photo where screen printers can work to do color separation, output film . The print dialog need more work just make photo where it can do bitmap separation easier better output , screen printers can get a work flow like photoshop or illustrator or corel draw.you have designers using your product would like to output our work rather for just screen ,as it it is very difficult to complete jobs with photo or designer they are just not up to standard they lack to many features and functions and where their are features and functions they just don't work well .maybe you need to start adding plugin to the software. As it is they are not up to standard at all, so much of time for so little progress with the software.
  2. serif should be if not already developing designer and photo where screen printers can work to do color separation, output film in the print dia projectslog need more work just make photo where it can do bitmap separation easier better output ,screen printers can get a work flow like photoshop or illustrator or corel draw.you have designers using your product would like to output our work rather for just screen ,as it it is very difficult to completes with photo or designer they are just not up to standard they lack to many features and functions and where their are features and functions they just don't work well .may be you need to start adding plugin to the software. As is not up to standard at all to much of time for so little progress with the software.
  3. need offset tool how so long for simple tool, but very important i have to scal5 then come back in designer it seems as though i cannot complete a project in designer alone need more tool is about time we get some useful tools rather than a whole lot of update just fix, fix, fix and more fix, it seem all they do is fix ,nothing new and useful the product seem to be going nowhere fast.
  4. how to get pen tablet working in affinity designer? or does affinity designer support pen tablet
  5. how do i download affinity photo custom brush all the brushes are no longer in the panel i have on affinity photo brushes that came with the software
  6. Photo studio assets studio and stroke studio no longer in the software tried resetting photo nothing worked how do I get those studio back in the software they just gone altogether from the software can someone help please?
  7. Stroke studio and asset studio no longer appears in the software try resetting nothing works they are no ware to be found how can i get them back in the software can someone help please?
  8. i c still designer is still lacking for every day work flow for some
  9. you all should have spent your time working on designer than wasting time on that. designer is still not up to mark you all are killing designer with all that wasting.
  10. Just wish designer 3D could do more just saying
  11. all well and good in a simple way use these shapes as guide so they would not have to print in illustrator have line and convert to guides you don"t have to slice or hide layers in a simple way. why is that not possible with designer
  12. how to set up a document for print with bleed and margins?
  13. New to affinity waiting on book arrival will read notes in the mean time thank very good work the forum is very experienced and knowledgeable
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