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  1. I found out. They do not close, they just vanish. I can see them under (german Version): Ansicht > Ansichten > Better would be under: window (Fenster) the last entry. There is the name of the aktive file with a hook. What is this for, if not to be able to change the aktive document? Now this function is too deep in the menues hierachy.
  2. ok. this works, but i don't like this modus. where do I find the second opened file in the normal modus?
  3. Can't I open more then one document at once? Always, when I have a document open and open a second one, the first one opened is gone. Isn't there a possibility to open another document in a second tab? I want to copy content from one file to the other or to compare my designs.
  4. I want to get rid of adobe completely, yet I can’t work without Adobe Bridge. Does anyone have a suggestion, which app can do the work of Bridge (Mac OS 10.11) and cooperates well with Affinity? The same thing with adobe Acrobat. I use it for checking if my files are o.k. for Offset-printing. Any suggestions are welcome.
  5. I defined a paragraph style with an Initial over 3 rows, but it displays over 5 rows. If I change it into 2 rows it displays as 3 rows, and with 1 row it displays as 1 row. This seems to be a bug, as when I change the size of the textframe the initial size changes to the right rowsize.
  6. I defined a paragraph style with an Initial over 3 rows, but it displays over 5 rows. If I change it into 2 rows it displays as 3 rows, and with 1 row it displays as 1 row. I want it to display the right way: 3 rows = 3 rows.
  7. Is there a way to select vector objects that have the same fillingmode or -color or stroke color? In Illustrator there is. An I can't work without this feature.
  8. Du kannst mir ja mal vertraulich das PDF schicken und ich gucke mal in Acrobat, was der mir dazu sagt. Selber habe ich leider noch keine Publisher-Datei from the scratch, um selber zu testen, was passiert.
  9. I am not firm with publisher yet, but guessing from all I know about colourmanagement from InDesign, The reasons could be: - You chose PDF-X4, which means it keeps all transparencies, and your Printer can not deal with transparencies (has no PDF Print engine). - Or as your file is an PDF-X* file, There is no colourprofile embedded. PDF-X only says to the Printer "My colourprofile is XY" And it is on the Printer to "know" how to handle this information.
  10. Hmm I think I will stay with El Capitan so long. Thanks to all
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