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  1. If you have any developer skills you can use this library and start creating own AI based graphics editor https://avaloniaui.net/
  2. Yep. Process of getting development, event if the user base reached more than 1 million and active Linux machine, is to complicated ( stack related on Windows and Mac System dependency )
  3. Around Market share of Chrome OS ( that utilize Linux and or wine)
  4. ChromeOs on chromebook support Flatpak - so version of Affinty can be deilver booth linux and ChromeOs
  5. Hard to say it, buy the target which can be benefit for linux distro user is ChromeOS: https://chromeos.dev/en 270 Milion Active Android users on ChromeOS, tablets, and foldables[1] 50Milion Students and educators using Chromebooks worldwide[2]
  6. SreckoM - for start, perfect choice - for the record - complicated things it's consists of many simple ones. Flatpak has rich Linux Desktop support and even ChromeOS https://flatpak.org/setup/
  7. Only RPM or DEB for most distro. If relate on system dependency and don't provide them for example inside /opt/affinity/*.* then true. For Flatpak can either provide any runtime version - event outdated. So good rethink how provide automated CI/CD on Flatpak || RPM and DEB solution can be quite easy. Flatpak for start and after working on - provide RPM and DEB package.
  8. It's depend - flatpak || build distro package, after automate build process in pipe CI/CD are equal good options.The best solution ( less amount of work ) for now is integrate existing code base and use steamworks SDK (for Games and Apps) in partner program: Steam partners - https://partner.steamgames.com/
  9. Even automate whole process of making installable packages when new codebase will push on branch for Linux distro like Ubuntu, Fedora it's time one working Day using chat gpt3
  10. Today thanks to Chat gpt3 moving codebase of affinity products in to any language rust, clang, swift, c++, you name it and any os Fedora, Ubuntu, Etc it's just Time of several days to reach beta State.
  11. Thanks for this tip - equivalent on bottles is VKD3D and DXVK - for now app in bottles work with switch --no-hw-ui If Direct3D11 is for rendering document so on bottles (wine) is time to search which patch for VKD3D and or DXVK is use to run app without switch --no-hw-ui. On winehq and proton site there is many solved issue with flickering on D3D (VKD3D) after apply certain patch.
  12. I notice that flickering of picture is on any re-draw of canvas so it's performance of ( sothing like xyredrawcnvas() ) function that support redraw/refresh of canvas - i guess it's time too look for any .net related topic on WineHQ.
  13. On other hand, support codewaevers can increase plugin for figma that is use in web development for develope sites and web apps UI on corporate Linux Front-end and web developers machines.
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