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  1. Like
    00Ghz got a reaction from 0125 in ¿HowTo: Convert between Art Text and Frame Text?   
    This is surely needed. Hopefully it comes very soon. +100
  2. Like
    00Ghz got a reaction from Johannes in Squircle option for corner radius   
    Was this ever added?
  3. Confused
    00Ghz got a reaction from Wanesty in Linux. Seriously now.   
    Guys you forget the crappy GPU driver support from both Nvidia and AMD on linux. 
  4. Like
    00Ghz got a reaction from xicus in ¿HowTo: Fuse/Weld Adjacent Nodes?   
    + 10
  5. Like
    00Ghz got a reaction from Jason Ma in Let me turn off canvas rotation?   
    I want an option to turn it off for good.
  6. Like
    00Ghz got a reaction from ra.skill in Zoom to selected, prioritise the behaviour...   
    I agree +1
  7. Like
    00Ghz got a reaction from iumbra in Changing Brush Size Affinity Designer   
    Just use the Alt - Right click shortcut like in PS. Drag: Up down for hardness, left/right for size. It would be nice if this came in 1-2 future beta versions. Makes painting so much easier.
  8. Like
    00Ghz got a reaction from mikeswarts in Let me turn off canvas rotation?   
    I want an option to turn it off for good.
  9. Like
    00Ghz got a reaction from MauricioC in type not transforming scale with other elements.   
    I agree, if I have multiple items selected, text frame should scale like everything else.
  10. Like
    00Ghz got a reaction from sbyseven in ¿HowTo: Convert between Art Text and Frame Text?   
    This is surely needed. Hopefully it comes very soon. +100
  11. Thanks
    00Ghz reacted to Mark Oehlschlager in Managing Multiple Object Strokes, Fills, and Effects   
    Currently working through Designer
    Regarding object attributes and effects, I would like to request a new Appearance Panel like the one in Adobe Illustrator that allows one to manage multiple strokes, fills and effects. The proposed new Panel would allow the following:
    The ability to add/delete multiple strokes, fills and effects. The ability to directly edit the individual strokes, fills, and effects within the new Panel. The ability to control the stacking order, opacity and blend modes of the strokes, fills, and effects. The ability to control the visibility of the individual strokes, fills, and effects.
  12. Like
    00Ghz got a reaction from mesbahworld in Non-destructive editing/warping?   
    +100 this should come way sooner. Non destructive workflow is a must
  13. Like
    00Ghz got a reaction from shaneparsons in ¿HowTo: Convert between Art Text and Frame Text?   
    This is surely needed. Hopefully it comes very soon. +100
  14. Like
    00Ghz reacted to ZVK in Dribbble accounts   
    Who is still for the invite? Have one invitation for the first to reply.
  15. Like
    00Ghz got a reaction from Willy Pimentel in Mockups templates   
    But for now PSD importing doesn’t work fine. Mockups don’t even open properly, missing text and layers usually. Maybe they should fix that first.
  16. Like
    00Ghz reacted to StuartRc in Sneak peeks for 1.7   
    Insert node at midpoint /and or add x(nodes) between 2 points would be a really useful feature
  17. Like
    00Ghz got a reaction from goddamnmaddog in Stop Frame Animation   
    I won’t mind it for animating UI’s. Even Krita got something basic... it can’t be that hard to add it to AD & AP.
  18. Like
    00Ghz got a reaction from Peternel in How to release compound shapes?   
    Except that it doesn’t work. :(
    The option is disabled.
  19. Like
    00Ghz got a reaction from predick in Expand Stroke - Rounded strokes become sharp & pointy   
    So when?
  20. Like
    00Ghz got a reaction from smallreflection in Shortcut and menu item for rename layer   

    Well it's pretty clear from the title

  21. Like
    00Ghz got a reaction from Teo_ in Sketch format import + export to Zeplin & FramerJS   

    Well the title is pretty clear. :)

    Can you make it happen?

  22. Like
    00Ghz got a reaction from yusha in Local sync via LAN   

    Check out this. I use it for local network backups.

  23. Like
    00Ghz got a reaction from ronnyb in Local sync via LAN   
    Yep, no need for cloud. + it’s as fast as your wifi router can handle :D
  24. Like
    00Ghz got a reaction from MEB in Local sync via LAN   

    Check out this. I use it for local network backups.

  25. Like
    00Ghz got a reaction from ronnyb in Local sync via LAN   

    Check out this. I use it for local network backups.

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