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Everything posted by Bryce

  1. The "remove all guides" button is in the guides dialog box. I didn't know if that could be assigned to a keyboard shortcut that I'm accidentally pushing. I go on to say they are then deleted - meaning they are no longer in the guides dialog box either. I will be working on the file and then all but one will just disappear from the dialog box (and the page). That is correct. I turn on and off guides being displayed all the time, even have my keyboard shortcuts set for that like I did in Indesign. Correct again. These aren't just disappearing one by one, but rather all but one are gone. I'm trying to pick up the pattern but I only have had it happen in one file. I questioned that too but when they disappeared out of the dialog box, it convinced me that maybe I had a keyboard shortcut tied to it, but that doesn't explain why one will stay.
  2. there is only one artboard in this file. Not sure what's going on. Is it possible that a keyboard shortcut could be set up for the remove guides button, that I might be accidentally clicking?
  3. I keep putting guides on my artboard in Designer (2.5.3) on Mac and they just keep disappearing. They will show in the guides manager and I'll have a few. Then adding more, others will just disappear and it's not that they are turned off in the view option. Is there a problem with this version? I've never had this happen before.
  4. I'm not sure what is going on as my prefernces do not show the delete key as being the shortcut but the menu does.
  5. I'm using Designer on Mac 2.5.0 and the Delete button to the left of "end" is acting funny. It's function changes depending how long I've been in Designer. It's not consistent and I"m not sure how to pinpoint what exactly is going on. If I shutdown designer and restart. It works as it should - deleting characters to the right of the cursor. after a while it will change to something else. Right now it's pasting my previously selected style. Next time it might be doing something different.
  6. Ok. Thanks for pointing the obvious. That makes sense.
  7. I done newspapers for years and we export ads as PDF and then import them into a page layout. When we switched from ID to AP we get this message in preflight on every PDF placed. I've tried pretty much everything to change (I don't want them interpreted). What is the appropriate export setting to get them to place and export correctly in the output file. I usually just ignore this because it doesn't seem to make any difference, but if I can make it right, I will. thanks!
  8. Ok. I see what you are saying and you are right that does work. It just seems strange that when I click clear and command V that "v" would go in. If I have to click in to get the URL to paste, why does the "v" paste if I haven't clicked in? Maybe more of a UI issue?
  9. I've tried both ways - to paste with it in and also to clear. when I left click and choose paste without clearing first - nothing happens, not even a menu. I have to clear first, then right click, then paste.
  10. I press clear first then command+v and only a "v" pastes If I don't click clear and I just press command V when the dialog opens it changes from https://affinity.serif.com to https:// but still won't paste I changed the keyboard shortcut to from command+shift+v and then to command+v and it still just does "v"
  11. maybe reset preferences and see if that might fix problems? Backup your shortcuts first.
  12. Hello Serif, I love the new features in 2.5, BUT I would love even more if this regression were fixed. We are now at nearly a year of this being logged. Is there any update on getting this back into Designer like we had previously?
  13. I tried with an iphone 11 and iPad Pro 2nd gen and it worked well.
  14. I'm on the Mac and trying to paste the URL with command+V only puts in "v" However, i can rightclick in the space and choose paste after clicking clear button.
  15. What problems are you experiencing? I use Affinity and the problems with CMYK colors was fixed in a later version of 1.x. We are a print and vinyl shop and don't seem to have any more problems with Affinity (there are always certain files depending on the designer) than we have with Adobe.
  16. What a stupid post. No logic whatsoever. "I went to Serif and their software does 99% of what I need. I switched because It wasn't Adobe and now I'm going to Adobe because I received an email about a company change, yet I live in a bubble and only came here to complain when the email came." You don't care but you do care, we're not sure what about though. You've never heard of Canva but you know it's so bad that you reactivated Adobe, going back to the giant corporation you hated, even though Affinity was paid and it works for you????
  17. I always thought that was there to sort your list by the orientation. Thanks for pointing that out! I saw that one - which is rather clunky since it's not in the "new" document in that location. Thanks for sharing!
  18. Could this be moved to feature request? I thought that's where it was going.
  19. In the new dialog box in Publisher and Designer does not have an orientation (portrait or landscape) and it needs one. I just orients - even presets - to what the previous document was as far as width and height. It's very annoying to have to type in the changes each time. Any chance we can get a button for orientation? 2nd Set a default color swatch After I installed one of the brushes it had a color swatch that now the program always goes to. Anyway that setting a default swatch could be included?
  20. yes. I've been using Serif since PagePlus 2. It was my alternative to Aldus Pagemaker 4.
  21. I bought Affinity because it can do more of what I need it to, faster and easier than Adobe. It's not because of price - I still pay Adobe because I still have to have Acrobat for the Quite imposition and Pitstop plugins - there is nothing out there that compares. If there was I would switch entirely from Adobe.
  22. Someone forget to take their meds? Seriously? I woke up this morning and found that my Affinity software worked the same as it did Monday morning. What the heck? With the bridge collapsing, the dollar dropping and Serif's announcement yesterday I thought that the world came to an end. Yet, the garden is still growing and Affinity will still make me money as it did every other day (If I can stay off the stupid thread).
  23. As a small business owner I understand the need to made money. I hope that Serif had always been making money. I've been with Serif since 1992 - when I was still in high school - It was my alternative to Pagemaker. It was not Aldus or Adobe. It was a deliberate choice - and I loved having that big thick paper manual of PagePlus 2.0 I've supported it ever since. Along the way PagePlus lost it's way and became just small updates each time but then Affinity came along and WOW! Serif was back with a new vision - one that included Macs, which was desperately needed if Serif would ever became a real alternative to Adobe in the graphic arts world. During this time, and still, I have a subscription to Adobe, but really only use it impositions of files made in Affinity. I've always been the supporter of the "little guy". The alternative to Adobe that basically took over all of graphic design. Then when Adobe decided they weren't making enough money and took out Pantone, it confirmed Serif was doing the right thing. It was about principled software by designers for designers. It's the basic fact that smaller companies have to listen to their customers. Larger companies listen to their blackrock and vanguard shareholders. With the acquisition by Canva we users are all concerned that our investment in Serif may no longer support the development of good software. Please always keep in mind what got Serif where it is today.
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