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  1. In the new Photo Beta Version ( Windows, in the Sections UI -> "Background & Artboard Background Gray Level" sliders are not changing anything and the background is dark only.
  2. Hi Chris, thanks a lot for your answer.. yes, it takes some time and knowing where, which and what previous icones mean this is not so great challenge... just wanted to know if it would be a big trouble to make possibility to choose icons layout (as it is colour/monochrom or as it is in GIMP..)
  3. Absolutely not, the new icons are rubbish (my opinion) and only knowing where they were in the v1 allows them to be used
  4. Any idea to make possibility to choose V1 Icon Style in v2 ??
  5. True, loading RAF or NEF files takes quite long, may be not 35 sec, but much longer than in V1...
  6. Is it only mine impression that the Icon Style in Affinity Photo v2 are not very readable... If they are also to be "new" then it would be useful to have an option in the Preferences, to be able to change to the set of Icons from version 1 (like existing option to choose monochrome/colour Icons). Additional very useful quick first summary from Olivio Sarikas here:
  7. Hi Mark, I can't use hardware acceleration - have only Intel HD Graphics -> Onboard Intel Graphics HD 4600
  8. Hi, does anybode meet such situation ? Liquify Persona, moving pixels.. I'm getting such distortions as shown at the attached picture.. My mistake or this is a bug ?? same on the version Rgds, Marek (fotomak) PS. NO such situation with Affinity Photo customer beta
  9. β- - I'm not quite sure if this is the right thread (do not want to open a new one if ok) cropping file (.jpg) after choosing desired size, clicking Apply to execute, β- APhoto is closing. Is it also known issue or may be I'm doing something wrong ? ps. previous version - was ok
  10. Hi Chris now, ver., the issue has gone - it works ok (problem with registering Beta ver - sign in internal error - but it is other case and other thread)
  11. Hi Chris, thanx for reply can't do that.. after choosing Shortcut created on Desktop it can't be attached here (receiving message: file can not be found, check the name and try again) but the shortcut exists on the Desktop.. so I've done Send to > Compresed File.. and next > Create Desktop Shortcut (with compresed file) - now it is attached 1.0_(Beta).zip
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