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Everything posted by nwhit

  1. Really would like to be able to adjust type size incrementally, same as with leading, kerning, etc. Routinely need to make minor adjusts to type size. I realize that I can "size" the entire type element, but really need to be able to "bump" the size by point, especially when changing a single character or two. At this point, I can't really see how to change the point size of a single character other than to use the Scaling % (which doesn't seem to do the same thing (proportional point size increase/decrease), or manually type in the point size (which requires doing it several times for each character to get the right size/look). Liking most of what I'm seeing in AP and hoping to retire my PS once and for all. Thanks. ---- Edit — Aha! I see under Text Formatting keyboard shortcuts for increasing/decreasing text size, although the shortcuts shown seem misleading. Shows CMD-> but it actually takes CMD-SHFT->. Okay workaround, but would still be nice to have the incremental button in the Character point size panels & toolbar.
  2. Yes, found that out. However, in production work this morning, I also found out that every time I adjust the canvas size or crop, the graphic zooms to full screen, which as I said, on a 27" working on small web graphic elements is shocking at best. Not sure why it does that, but a real pain to have to keep downsizing back to a 100 or 125% for normal working purposes. Based on a lot of years of production and software, seems the "logical" action would be to leave the screen size the same after things like cropping and canvas size changes. Also would be more intuitive (and in line with most other software) if things opened at 100% or a Pref-set value instead of full screen. Just way too many things that aren't appropriate at Fit Screen size, especially on 27" or larger monitors. Thanks.
  3. Just switched from many, many years with PS. So far, pretty good. Noticed one thing that would make things a little better. Set a default opening view size — Right now it seems that when I open a file, the default is to blow the image up to maximum "fill-the-screen" size. However, working with a 27" 5k monitor, so many of our web graphics blow up WAY too big when we open them. Thus, it would be nice if AP opened documents at their last size/%, or at least include a pref where we could set our default opening view (like 125%, for example).
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