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Everything posted by nwhit

  1. Just updated to 238 but now notice that the tabs for the open documents are barely readable due to a VERY small font size. I have the UI Font Size set to Large, but on my iMac 27" I can barely see much less read the names of the open documents in the tabs (normally have multiple docs open). I also noticed that the designation for a modified file now seems to be just an "M" rather than the full "Modified" making it even more difficult to tell when a file is modified. Is there any way you can make those tabs have a larger font size, especially when the Pref for UI Font Size is set to Large? Now I am having to constantly zoom the OS in order to select a tab to activate a doc. I am assuming this is a bug/change from previous version of the beta, although I work in APhoto far more often than APub. But I don't remember this being an issue in previous betas. Thanks.
  2. I'm currently running CS5 ID and PS in a Parallels 14 macOS Sierra VM along with another critical app that stopped working in High Sierra. Runs fine on my iMac. Just create the VM using a USB drive containing the Sierra install app, then restore your new virtual HD from a Time Machine backup. No need to install the apps again.
  3. Tried to open APub and got the Update to 192 notification. However, all clicks resulted in an error sound with everything locked. Could not even quit and had to do a Force Quit. Tried multiple times with same results. It had worked for me with a couple previous updates, so not sure what went wrong with this one. High Sierra
  4. As a side note to using CS5-6 ID and PS with macOS changes, it had held us back from upgrading to High Sierra. However, after some work and research, I upgraded my Parallels and added a Sierra Guest VM where my CS5 apps run just fine. After upgrading to High Sierra on the real HD, I find that my CS 5 apps work there fine as well, so still very usable. However, I'm going to keep my virtual Sierra drive for a couple other apps that died with the High Sierra upgrade. They all are running just fine in the virtual drive and I have copy/paste, file sharing between the real HD (High Sierra) and the VM, so it's providing a great workaround to keep my legacy apps working. On getting ID files into APub, as I've said in previous posts to this thread, it is critical to be able to do this. Our company has massive client files in ID and PS that have to be able to be used as the basis for revisions, etc. While I have used the Open PDF in APub, as stated by many, that method has a lot of limitations that make it only appropriate for small, simple file conversions. Anything complex, it simply won't import correctly. That means a huge cost to the client to rebuild the entire document in APub, something most clients simply won't pay. If APub is going to become part of the workflow, we really need to be able to use our legacy client files. When we switched to APhoto from PS, we had reasonable success in importing most (but not all) PS files, so the transition has been good for the most part (still missing some critical comparable features). But with APub, if we are to actually switch to it, we have to be able to get a majority of our client files into APub. Over the many, many years of doing this (going back to Aldus PM V1), we have never had the need to use IDML, so have no knowledge as to whether that will be a reasonable way to convert our thousands of ID client files. I hope it will work given that Serif has stated that they are working towards adding that. But that is an area where we have no experience. We have numerous complex corporate CS5 ID files that require conversion/import if we are to use APub in our workflow. That's why we're following this thread to see if this is going to turn out well. Love APub so far, but do need the ability to bring in old client files!
  5. As a follow-up (slightly delayed), we recently upgraded to High Sierra plus the newest 157 build. Thus decided to see if the spelling language had been resolved. In High Sierra, we were able to follow your guide for finding the improved Language settings where we could finally turn off the multiple never-used languages. We also had to turn back on British English despite having had it as one of the two "preferred" languages in Sierra. Once that was done and we restarted APub, we are now getting the correct choices of US and UK English. Finally!!! I think the main issue was Sierra versus High Sierra and how Languages are set/available. Anyway, RESOLVED!
  6. Recently upgraded to High Sierra and both InDesign and PS CS5 work fine. Only quirk is that they both do an unexpected quit after you quit the app (as in Sierra). Everything works fine, everything is saved, but it does throw the dialog. Everyone using it just ignores the notification. Some people are reporting that CS5 is also working on Mojave, but we're not brave enough to try that yet! That said, we look forward to migrating to Affinity products in order to enjoy newer technology, better interface, and decent pricing. But like many, we do need to import our massive catalog of client InDesign work since much of what we do is based on previous client work. And in many cases, opening a pdf doesn't bring in things properly for a more complex document (as discussed in numerous threads). But we're hoping that one way or another Affinity will figure this thing out and figure out a way to allow us to do our work using APub. But besides ID importing, we also require web links for our pdf exports since so much "printed" work today is distributed electronically as a pdf, thus requiring web links. But we're again hoping that issue gets resolved as well.
  7. The missing font(s) were Futura variations and a couple Swiss. We tried to replace the Futura with our Futura of the same or other styles. Most (and the correct variations) don't stick (as per the video). The Swiss are now sticking, though didn't previously. I tried with other fonts and some stick while others don't. Again, we may have faulty fonts such as our Futura families, or the pdf may contain faulty futura fonts. Not really sure, although we did get it to happen with a couple other fonts that I can't remember at this moment. ScreenRecord-Font_Change.mov
  8. Just tried it with 140 and still have issues. Some changes in the missing fonts stick while most do not. Seems I can change the font family but the style seems random as to whether it will stick or not. Not had that issue in ID with these files. I also just tried opening it in AD and it has the same issue, so perhaps there is something wrong with the pdf, or even possibly with my fonts! However, I've never had this issue with other apps including ID and PS, so not sure what to say. Aero-Fac A4 6pp Brochure.pdf
  9. Still doing it with 139. Multiple PDF's that are opened in APub do it. I've attached one of them I just tried 139 with. Open Resource Manager, Select all graphics, click on Make Linked, once Open dialog opens, click cancel and APub crashes every time. Yacht Photo Package Brochure v2 - bleed.pdf
  10. Yes, I can Open a pdf and get most of everything coming through okay. However, I cannot copy/paste any text blocks from ID-CS5 into APub. All text blocks paste as individual lines of text and not in blocks, making it useless since the process to redo all the text in anything but a business card would be too much. Are you getting the same thing? It's not clear in your post if you are copying/pasting or Opening a PDF.
  11. Just tried this again in the newest beta (133) and does same thing. Opened a PDF of an ID file as a new document, opened the Resource Manager, selected all images, clicked to make linked, then when the Mac Open Dialogue opened up, I clicked Cancel and the app crashes. Did it multiple times.
  12. Tried opening a pdf from ID. It said several fonts were missing. When I tried to select the replacement fonts and styles, the styles refused to stick (selected CondBold and it kept reverting to CondLight). Also refused to accept a selected font for several other instances of a missing font.
  13. Yes, that has worked somewhat for us. However, on several documents text blocks in the Opened pdf are connected across a page — unrelated text blocks. But many of the text blocks do stay together fairly well. On anything more than a 2-page pub, would take a bit of work to clean up and create/correct all the text blocks, but better than nothing at the moment. Just be glad when they can at least get copy/paste to work, much less importing an ID file. We also just dead-ended on trying it for a job today where we could have Opened a previous ID pdf and worked with it, but the end product (PDF) required hyperlinks, which don't work yet. So much of what we do nowadays is to create our "print" projects as pdf's that can be electronically delivered, but they have to have hyperlinks back to the client's website embedded.
  14. Thanks for both of you confirming that you are getting the same thing — text blocks from ID pasted in as separate lines of text. I could have sworn that in the first beta I had successfully copied entire pages from an ID file and pasted into APub with text blocks intact, but perhaps my drugs were improperly adjusted. Hopefully this gets fixed since it appears to be the easiest way to get existing smaller ID files into APub. All of our company's work involves using a client's past work as the basis for any new items, so right now having to start from scratch on any new item wouldn't be approved by the clients since it would simply cost way too much in time charges. Is there anyone who actually has been able to copy ID text blocks and paste into APub intact? While the two posts about seeing the same thing I'm now seeing reassures me that my version isn't "broken", I just wonder if I was hallucinating back when I tried it with a few different ID files. Thanks.
  15. Does this mean that it is not possible to copy/paste text blocks from ID into APub and retain the blocks? This is really holding us up in testing APub.
  16. Unless a moderator has other info, I don't think documents store user interface prefs such as the Background Grey Level, Font UI Size, UI Style, etc. No matter what I delete, no matter which version of the beta I reinstall after trashing the app, all those prefs are still there, which indicates I have not fully "uninstalled" the app. And trying to resolve my issue with copy/paste text blocks from InDesign really needs to see if deleting the app (completely) and reinstalling will solve that serious problem. I wish someone from Affinity could comment on this.
  17. Nowadays most all prefs are in the user Library (~/Library). Anything with Pub or Publisher was deleted. I also did a search in the main/System level Library but didn't find anything there. After doing the Ctrl Open routine and selecting everything, that didn't clear all prefs - just the things it listed. There were still other prefs that had been set at the original install, so that method doesn't "uninstall" the app. Apparently Serif is storing APub prefs somewhere else in addition to the Library items with affinitypublisher in the name.
  18. What your saying is that we never have been able to copy text blocks from InDesign and paste them into APub without them becoming single lines of text? I could swear we had done that and had posted that the ability to do so made it possible to use APub with our existing ID files and client work. I'll admit that we've been doing a lot of other things while testing APub but I sure seem to remember copying/pasting successfully.
  19. This is the same file as the screen shot done before back when copy/paste worked. Other than it tied together the headline text block with the first column of text, most of the multi-page document came in pretty good as did several other ID files. But now none of them will copy/paste.
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