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Everything posted by nwhit

  1. I just tried selecting a photo in Photos, Clicked Edit, used button to select Edit in Affinity Photo (beta), in APh I added an adjustment layer (curves), added a Live Filter (Gaussian Blur), clicked Save, closed the window, returned to Photos, clicked the Save button, all changes were there. Clicked the Done button in Photos edit mode and returned to the Photos browser and all changes were there. Didn't need to do any flattening. I realize that this was not extensive testing by any means, so not completely indicative of issues in the beta, but adding layers and round-tripping worked in this case. Not sure why, but thought I would at least let you know. This is in Mojave with Metal, so can't speak to Catalina issues.
  2. I routinely have to use the MacOS Zoom feature (CTRL-scroll) to see some things. Thus it would be nice to be able to change the sizes of the tools and other icons/text.
  3. Just checked my 5k iMac and I'm not seeing a significant diff when the windows are overlapped. I do agree that much of the interface is (and has been) a bit too small to comfortably see on a 27" iMac.
  4. Yes, in the last beta round in 1.7, I had EC working okay, albeit with a very poor preview. But the final release it failed to open at all. The only thing I could think of is that perhaps because I use the Mac App Store version of APh, perhaps there is a problem with sandboxing, etc. Whereas the betas are direct from Affinity, so maybe an issue there??? Just keeping my fingers crossed that this time it will work in the Retail/App Store version since I do use it fairly often and just hate to have to go back to my old PS CS5 just for that.
  5. That would be a nice feature/capability for these IDML imports if possible.
  6. I just uploaded a couple screenshots that are marked up to show the graphics/pics imported within Picture Frames that do not have controls. I'm pretty sure I've previously uploaded that particular IDML import APub doc to you. In my looking, I don't see that it has been for a particular file type, so not sure why it happens.
  7. Just uploaded to that same link the Fresh Water version where I changed everything to embedded. I also just tried the X4 export on this file and it worked. On the png graphic, I am thinking that I did have it in Assets when I was testing that feature out, so may have grabbed it from there for placement within these 2 docs. Both these docs were created in 1.7.x, but have opened and saved versions within beta 1.8 in order to see if that might resolve the issue.. I also seem to remember creating that png composite graphic within APhoto for use in various publications. I think I also remember having had an issue with it at one time in one of the APub betas, but that got resolved. I think I also uploaded the original APhoto file, right?
  8. Playing with it a bit more, I can mostly get the preview to render properly if I expand/contract the window size. Sometimes it takes a few attempts, but usually works. Thus I know it can render the preview correctly, but it appears the preview is not updating/refreshing properly. But at least so far, it is now usable again from within APh. Hooray! Edit: Using Metal.
  9. For professional purposes (working professionals with several clients), cloud storage isn't practical. I have thousands and thousands of bracketed HDR 24MB/ea RAW+JPEGs pics. In addition, multiple copies of processed versions of those, often 3-12 versions. Really only practical to store on a local Thunderbolt RAID. But as I said, for many people Photos, iPhoto, Aperture, other apps, cloud storage, etc. works fine. And as compared to the many years of storing thousands of negatives, slides and prints, this is MUCH better! After many years as a pro, when I went digital, it was a blessing in so many ways! But a good local-based DAM would be nice! Assuming it doesn't store the masters in a proprietary file/library!
  10. Yup, just tried an old TIFF and it wouldn't open at all. Didn't crash the program but would not open. This TIFF was not made in Affinity. From quite a few years ago, shows created in PS 7. It does Open in APh 1.7.3 and does Place just fine in APub beta 523. Accel_cover.tiff
  11. Really hate to get into this "fight", but I just tried doing a Photos pic: duplicated it, Edit, Edit In Affinity Photo. Made changes (did a colour halftone), saved in APh, then closed the pic in APh. The changes were saved back to Photos, did a Done there and the changes were reflected in the pic in Photos. I also tried the APh extension Haze Removal from within Photos and it worked and saved just fine. I will readily concede that this performance might not be universal for everyone's configuration, but for my fairly "normal" Mac, works fine here. I do have to say that as a pro photographer, I don't use Photos as a DAM since I need all my master files readily available in client folders/directories, not in a "library" file. (Been a pro for decades and have used numerous apps for DAM, but today do not like the current options. Liked Aperture a bit since I could store originals/masters in their original locations and not within a "library" file.) But I would likely welcome an Affinity DAM since I am generally pleased with what they are doing with the other apps. Just my 2-pence.
  12. Just tried it on mine and I get the correct dialog. I opened the New dialog, created a new doc, added a table, then tried closing the window. Note: This was using one of my created presets, new doc, only added a table, then tried to close window/file.
  13. Yes, since then I looked at the original ID files. I guess I had never needed to know that in ID their graphic elements (rectangles, ovals, etc.) are actually in a "frame", so I was surprised after importing the IDML. Now that I know that, I am expecting it. Still have the issue, however, where on a couple of the IDML imports (files already sent to you) a few graphics/pics came in to APub in a frame but with no controls for sizing, moving, etc. Can't seem to figure out why it happened with those items since they don't appear to be a certain type. All were originally Placed into ID by simply using a Place command. Many come into APub just fine, but a few don't come in correctly.
  14. Here's the More dialog settings (attached). Only changed a couple things in this screenshot, but even if I try to export with the default X4 settings, I get the error and no output. No, this was created in 1.7.3. Possibly may have used a Open PDF as a starting point. It will not export in either 1.7 or 1.8 beta. And yet another virtually identical version of the doc (a fresh water version) exports fine, which seems to suggest that there is an offending image in this one that was not in the other. But I have no way of knowing since the Preflight doesn't show anything wrong and the error message doesn't say anything relevant. I'll upload that graphic element. It might have been added to both versions of this pub from the Assets panel within 1.7.3, but I'll use that other link to send the original to you. But as I said, it is the same graphic in both versions and I can export the fresh water version just fine.
  15. I got the dialog when I tried to click the Update button for all the resources showing as Modified. Typically I would select all resources showing Modified and then click the Update button, so not sure which one causes the dialog.
  16. Thanks, Walt, but not the problem here. Have the same file in the same place with same fonts, similar file name (but different copy, pics, etc.) that outputs just fine. It's something within the doc, likely one of the images/pics, thus would be interesting to see what Jon and team can find that is happening.
  17. Not sure what the problem is with this file, but it errors out when trying to export it as a PDF-X4 (or even X3). Had a sister file (nearly identical) that worked fine, but this one refuses to export in either 1.7.3 or 1.8 beta 523. Original file had virtually all linked files, but I also tried with embedding the files. I've uploaded the file via the link provided yesterday for my other issue. It's labeled as pdf-X4. A note: I also notice that with this particular file, it never does calculate the estimated output file size. Don't see that with the sister file or any others I've done.
  18. All files uploaded. I also just tried importing/opening the IDML file again since it's been awhile since I did this. Got that dialog twice this time asking if I wanted to link instead of embedding. It also created the 2 small mysterious TIFF images that show as embedded. And as per your comment, there were no embedded files other than the newly created (by the import or IDML process) 2 TIFF graphics. All other graphics/images were and are linked. Odd that this time it asked me twice about wanting to link instead of embedding and also asked twice about where to store the linked files.
  19. Thank you!!! It's back to working (mostly) in the new beta. It does, however, have a glitch or two in the preview of certain effects. It appears to be related to bevels I think. But at least EC can now be opened within APh and there is at least a reasonable preview! So a BIG thank you for that! PS. I did notice that every so often, I could get the preview to work if I resized the window, but not always.
  20. Just found the general area in the thread. Unfortunately, in a skimmed reading, it looks like it might require having ID, but not needing to actually open it to run the script. But I could be wrong since it's been a while since I've read it or used the script.
  21. I think there is a problem with the importing of the ID master pages, so hopefully that can be sorted out in future betas or the final. Also, if it's of any help, be aware that there is a script provided that creates IDML files from ID files without the need for ID itself. Can do a single or multiple files, plus it's free. You can find it on the Publisher forum in that looooooooooooong thread on Opening InDesign files (can't remember exactly where it is, but a search should turn it up). Someone provided it and it works fine.
  22. Just noticed that the new column rules don't wrap with the rest of the text around a graphic, etc. Don't know if that is a bug or simply a limitation of the column rules. Be nice to have them wrap.
  23. I just noticed on the Aero LAS A4 IDML import that it came in with a strange/incorrect Master Page setup. The original ID doc had a default A3 Master Page showing 3 - A3 pages. However, the APub import created a single, double-wide Master (840x297), which would not be useful for A3 pages. (From the files previously uploaded.) You hadn't commented on the IDML-imported Picture Frames without controls, but hopefully that is just a bug that is going to be fixed. Thanks.
  24. FYI, I run CS5 apps (ID, AI, PS, Acrobat Pro, DW) and had stayed on Sierra. Eventually moved to High Sierra for about a year with no issues other than those already present in Sierra (error message on Quit). After a year, I recently upgraded to Mojave and my CS5 apps are all still working the same as far as I can tell. Roaring Apps also shows they work in Mojave. Just for your info. I also have to run a virtual machine for Sierra to run a couple older apps (like Mail Designer Pro) that don't work in High Sierra, which takes care of that issue for me.
  25. Just checked another IDML import doc. The Non-proportional Scaling error came up for a jpg, but the info in the contextual menubar shows that the scale shows as the same. I do notice that the DPI numbers do not match, so not sure how that would be. Note: This file and links have already been uploaded in another thread dealing with IDML import issues (no controls on Pic Frame).
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