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Posts posted by pioneer

  1. I have designed a logo.  we are being asked to supply it in EPS format.  A couple of questions if I may. 1 the original has a transparent background (when I create a png export it shows a transparent background) but the EPS export file it shows a white background? 2 What are the best EPS settings for this file to be exported in please?

    This is for sublimation on a variety of coloured backgrounds and I do not wish for the white background just the logo.

    Cheers John

    KGIBClogob MODIFIED.afphoto

  2. @markw That's just what I was after and trying to do. Sadly my fault as I was looking to alter the orientation through the layers menu in the studio panel to get some sort of adjustment on screen within the context toolbar. would be nice if the last used mesh within the project would stay in the context toolbar rather than altering to mesh. Thank you once again.

  3. 16 hours ago, William Overington said:

    @pioneer Hi, I just realized, the event was due to take place eight days ago.

    How did it go please?

    How was the food?



    It went very well, Gary was not a particularly good Elvis impersonator, but he made up for that in spades as a good all round entertainer.   It was a sell out, just short of 100 guests, had to do a ticket re-run as I had only printed 75.  Food was great (Scampi-n-chips. Cheeseburger-n-chips and Chicken burger-n-chips). Everybody voted for him to be rebooked in September.  Thanks for asking @William Overington

  4. 15 hours ago, walt.farrell said:

    By the way: you seem to be using AP as the abbreviation for two applications (Photo, and Publisher). That is confusing :)

    If one must abbreviate, APub and APu are the terms accepted by the forums (as shown by the underlining when used, and the Tooltip explanations for them).

    @walt.farrellFor which I apologise for. Its obviously down to my age I am afraid. Thank you for the advice.  Cheers John

  5. 3 hours ago, David in Яuislip said:

    I sampled a reddish colour in the guy's face then sampled a browner spot from the guy two to the right
    So I changed #B66762 to #A86957 by a procedural texture R-14/255 G+2/255 B-11/255
    It looked too green so I tried R-14/255 G-4/255 B-11/255
    If that looks ok try the overlay in the zip, it's a neutral grey modified with that procedural texture. Place it over the face with the blend mode set to soft light. All very subjective of course. Can't upload the picture here so that's zipped as well


    NewSkinColourOverlay.zip 304 B · 0 downloads NewSkinColour.zip 56.41 kB · 0 downloads

    Thank you @David in Яuislip Very kind of you to take the time to look at this and post the files.  Most helpful. Thank you John. I had spent quite a lot of time putting the trunk on the legs from the two images it was just trying to get the tone of his face somewhere I wanted to best match the others.


  6. After a lot of head scratching on how to connect my Huion Pro 16 tablet to my PC I finally manged to install it via an adapter to one of my display port outlets on my Nvidia 3060 RTX.

    I am now confronted with how to set it up on Win11. So I am hoping someone more knowledgeable that I can help.

    Ideally the solution would be to use the tablet from a mirrored screen from my 2nd monitor leaving the first monitor for everyday work as needed.

    Unless someone has a better solution. I am in my mid 70' so this sort of thing does not come easy, so please treat me gentle.

    Thank you John


  7. Thank you for this, much appreciated. had a look around the site loads of great things and ideas on there.  My eye was caught by your Quick-Vintage-Layer-Styles set.  Is this only to be used in Illustrator or have you any plans to make these styles for Affinity?

  8. My latest picture quiz round.

    Tv set created in designer. 

    20 placeholders inside the TV image for the images. 

    All images  converted to B&W and a levels adjustment on the majority of images.

    I created masks to obliterate the backgrounds in the images to take away the fussy details. in APhoto.

    designed on an A4 will be enlarged to A3 one per team on the night.

    Comments on the creation and final (almost) presentation as always are welcome.

    have fun with identifying the faces.

    As always I look forward to @William Overington blistering observations which are 2nd to none

    Picture quiz B&W.png

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