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Posts posted by pioneer
54 minutes ago, Alfred said:
The Apex Catering logo includes a tiny yellow star
I'm not seeing this. Whereabouts is it?
@GaryP With thanks for your feedback. It's a joint inside/outside event, BBQ will have a large gazebo if needed. Have addressed some of your observations, will be printed 1 A3 copy on Colour A3 laser, 10 A5 printed 2 up on A4(for double sided table Perspex advert inserts) 1 A5 PDF for member email distribution.
1 hour ago, PaulEC said:
A couple of small points, "BEER" doesn't line up with "FOOD" and "MUSIC", and "PRESENTS" is off centre, with an extra star on the left.
The only queries I would have are, does the £15 include any food and/or drink, or is it just an entrance fee, also, what type of music, live, disco, pop, rock, country, folk etc? Of course, it may be that, being a club event, members would already be aware of what is included.
But, (apart from my nit picking,) it looks good!
Fair do's, BEER orientation now resolved. PRESENTS location is deliberate. £15 is for entry and food. I would never consider in "nit Picking", constructive criticism is always welcome. Cheers for feedback
As a past user of PagePlus one had the ability to use PDF forms, MsWord, inDesign and google also have this feature is it on the horizon to be implemented into Affinity Publisher?
Firstly I wrote Affinity designer and that should of read Affinity Publisher so apologies for that. I also apologise for not looking at the family history program in greater depth. I think I have found the solution. On revisiting the family tree program I found that I can set a page size size to A5 and export as an RTF file, so I am getting somewhere, Thank you everybody for answering my query I will now get back to the drawing board. Once again heart felt apologies for taking up peoples time.. Cheers John
22 hours ago, Alfred said:
If Ancestry Family Tree Maker creates PDFs at A4 size, why not use the same size for your Affinity Designer document? You can always scale it down on output.
@Alfred. Sounds like a good solution. Can you elaborate on how to scale down please so it ends up as an A5 booklet. Cheers John
I use Ancestry family tree make and I can generate an A4 family history PDF in Microsoft print to PDF format. I would like to put this in an Affinity Designer A5 Booklet. What is the best way about setting out to achieve this please?
Thank @walt.farrell. Fortunately I had a studio pre-set saved from an earlier time. It did not have all I wanted so I added what I wanted and saved that pre-set. Cheers John
Good afternoon @GarryP After loading a studio reset I set about finding what I had done wrong. In the left Studio panel I inadvertently clicked on close group. It was this I was unable to get back. The Left Studio in the Window box was ticked I tied unticking and re-ticking but the left studio did not show up at all. I can only presume the close group must have an unclose facility somewhere. Cheers John
Help please. I clicked on the close (X) accidently on the left hand studio panel, even when I choose show left studio in the windows menu it does not reappear. Windows version. Cheers John
thank you
Is there a feature within any of the programs to save a windows layout of your workspace configuration please? Cheers John
@GarryP Would you believe it. The printer now tells me we had been given the wrong information by a member of staff who insisted only EPS files would be acceptable. I am now told by the MD that for a fee of £10 they could of used the original png file I sent. However as an apology and goodwill gesture they have waived this fee and have given 10% off of the total order. All that time wasted recreating a file for EPS output.
Good afternoon @GarryP. I cannot open the file in Adobe reader. I have Affinity Photo as the default program to load EPS files. Have altered the ellipse shapes and marginally better
Good afternoon. Still working on this logo (what a headache) On producing the EPS file when I view it and resize smaller the ellipsis and some of the lines do not scale down. Am I doing something wrong. I have the scale with object selected in the stroke width panel
@GarryP Sadly they wont accept anything else. They are using Coral Draw and its want they insist on. never mind I will use the pen tool and do away with the outline. Cheers anyway . John
I am recreating a Logo and all is managing to export to an EPS file ok apart from several outlines on a shape. I have to rasterise these sadly on the EPS export. The printer wont accept this. Is there a way around this please?
1950s-style ‘Creature Feature’ movie title still experiments
in Share your work
Good morning @GaryP Would you mind letting me know which font you used in the Atomic Monster (Alan Smithee production) and what fx you used on it. Cheers John