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Petar Petrenko

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Everything posted by Petar Petrenko

  1. I thought to put the price also as one of the reasons, but it could be the ONLY reason why there are three apps instead of one. +1 for PAPER.
  2. But, they (will) share over 50% of features/code like Serif "...Plus" applications do. So, it will be very nice if it gonna be only one application. There are lots of advantages of this aproach: 1. less used resources (hard disk, RAM); 2. only one interface to learn; 3. only one file format; 4. no waste of time for import/export of files between apps; 5. all (three?) teams work together as one on only one app, not like Adobe (they are competition to each other); 6. faster new versions; 7. faster errors/bugs solving problems...
  3. Or, maybe, it will be best if you merge all three aplications into one (code name Designer). ;)
  4. Text tool was just for example. I mean for all features that are going to be shared between your three aplications.
  5. Please, when working on Photo and Publisher, do not make the same mistake as Adobe. They implement same features, like Text tool for example, differently and even with different shortcuts. It is very difficult to work and remember all these features this way.
  6. With this situation, palettes in AD, on some monitors, take about 1/5 of the working space. But, here is an efficient way to free more of it. I got this idea from Canvas. My opinion is that palettes in AD should be moved to the position as in Canvas -- on a horizontal row, just bellow the menus. This is more logical and the visibility is much better. They are opened when needed, and their possition make them to be in front of the eyes instead of far right. This way, there would be more working space and there would, also, be more space for more options to be seen when pallete is open (from top of the monitor to the bottom without being distracted by other opened palletes).
  7. Do you consider of your version of Adobe Bridge? Just to be complete.
  8. No, Jens it is not. As I mentioned in my previous post this repositioning was available only when I was using Papyrus and was not available to any other software using the same printer.
  9. When printing duplex, the printout does not match, usually. First/second page has to be repositioned for a small amount of units. So, can you add this option to print dialog box to offset one of the pages to fit each other while printing (on paper or PDF) instead of reposition them in AD? I saw this feature in Papyrus (text processor) and it is very usefull.
  10. Also a support for a CDX files. I have a huge collection of them: 100.000+. It would be very nice to use it with AD. Also a support for a XAR (Xara Designer) files.
  11. Have you seen the newest Adobe's home page? It looks like very much to Affinity's one.And there is a text over the girl that says: "Zoophobia...", or maybe it is Affinityphobia?
  12. I think it would be very nice if Affinity makes its own version of PDF format (ADF?) for sharing on internet. This way there would be no problems as with converting files to PDF, and that would be a giant step in overcoming Adobe.
  13. Fantastic!!! Very interesting drawing style.
  14. Why not use, lets say: CONTROL for Cusp nodes OPTION for Smooth nodes COMMAND for Symmetrical nodes?
  15. AI has an interesting feature of adding multiple strokes to an objects with different line weights, line attributes, opacity, and so on. Simmilar to that you can fill the object with more than one color and mix them with changing the opacity. Is there such feature in Designer or, if not, do you have in mind to add it?
  16. Hello, are you going to add an AI excelent feature "Live Paint"? You draw a few lines that intersect each other and fill the room inside with color, without having to join the lines. If you reposition a line, the room inside is automtically refilled.
  17. Suggestion for moderators or anyone else who is in charge about this matter: Open "Finished" and "Unfinshed" folders inside "Feature Requests", and when some request is added to a Affinity Designer -- simply move it to "Finished". This way everybody can be well informed what is done, and what is wainting in the line. Best Regards, Petar Petrenko
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