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Petar Petrenko

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Everything posted by Petar Petrenko

  1. Why not use, lets say: CONTROL for Cusp nodes OPTION for Smooth nodes COMMAND for Symmetrical nodes?
  2. AI has an interesting feature of adding multiple strokes to an objects with different line weights, line attributes, opacity, and so on. Simmilar to that you can fill the object with more than one color and mix them with changing the opacity. Is there such feature in Designer or, if not, do you have in mind to add it?
  3. Hello, are you going to add an AI excelent feature "Live Paint"? You draw a few lines that intersect each other and fill the room inside with color, without having to join the lines. If you reposition a line, the room inside is automtically refilled.
  4. Suggestion for moderators or anyone else who is in charge about this matter: Open "Finished" and "Unfinshed" folders inside "Feature Requests", and when some request is added to a Affinity Designer -- simply move it to "Finished". This way everybody can be well informed what is done, and what is wainting in the line. Best Regards, Petar Petrenko
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